This project is to create a set of utilities for developing twilio runtime based applications.
Twilio Runtime is a Twilio Service where you could deploy Functions and Assets to develop your serverless applications. Twilio Function is used to respond to Twilio Webhook events like an incoming phone call, inbound SMS or any other kinds of HTTP requests, such as returning Access Token for Twilio client SDK applications.
- Define function descriptor in YAML
- Support file inclusions for reusable components to functions
- Test functions locally
- Helper for writing unit tests for functions
- Deploy functions automatically (Need API support from Twilio Runtime)
- Define Twilio Runtime descriptor, where functions and assets are defined
Checkout repository
$ make build
This will install required npm modules for the utils.
- Add directory of
, after that you should be able to be able to run:
$ twilio-runtime-utils --help
usage: twilio-runtime-utils.js [-h] -c CONTEXT {run,runjson,deploy} ...
Twilio Runtime Utilities
Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-c CONTEXT, --context CONTEXT
global context for data that are deployment specific
type: function
name: Authenticator
description: |
Generate short-term jwt token for admins to use UI application.
path: /authenticate
script: Authenticator.js
- ../Common/Authorization.js
Context are global configurations shared by all functions, it is defined in a YAML file too.
An example:
# webhook account detail
ACCOUNT_SID: AC00000000000000000000000000000000
API_KEY: SK00000000000000000000000000000000
API_SECRET: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# webhook handlers specific
SERVICE_SID: IS000000000000000000000000000000
# used by Authenticator
TOKEN_TTL: 3600 # in seconds
$ twilio-runtime-utils run --help
usage: twilio-runtime-utils.js run [-h] descriptor event
run function locally with test data files
Positional arguments:
descriptor function descriptor yaml
event test event yaml
Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
$ twilio-runtime-utils -c context-local.yaml run Authenticator/descriptor.yaml Authenticator/testdata/simple.yaml
{ success: true,
username: 'trump',
ttl: 3600,
token: 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImN0eSI6InR3aWxpby1mcGE7dj0xIn0.eyJqdGkiOiJTSzI2MzQ3MTM2N2E0OGI2Yjc4NjEyZTQyYzA5ZmFkNmI3LTE0OTU2MjgwMDMiLCJncmFudHMiOnsiaWRlbnRpdHkiOiJ0cnVtcCIsImRhdGFfc3luYyI6eyJzZXJ2aWNlX3NpZCI6IklTYzg5NThjOGIzODNmZmM2YjhkMTc2ZmJlYmViMWE1YTkifX0sImlhdCI6MTQ5NTYyODAwMywiZXhwIjoxNDk1NjMxNjAzLCJpc3MiOiJTSzI2MzQ3MTM2N2E0OGI2Yjc4NjEyZTQyYzA5ZmFkNmI3Iiwic3ViIjoiQUM3OTMzOTk2M2E5OWY0NzZlNmYwYjMyMTRhYmQ0OGE5ZCJ9.m2dsJGkTyZ_b5aQnDVBBXTnukN29c3i7ADZh4BBNlpM' }
Event file is a YAML file, in this example:
username: "trump"
pincode: "928462"
Similarly you could also run with json data directly:
$ twilio-runtime-utils -c context-local.yaml runjson Authenticator/descriptor.yaml '{"username": "trump", "pincode":"3245"}'
{ success: false,
error: 'username or token provided is invalid' }
Currently there is no automated deployment supported due to the lack of API suppport from Twilio Runtime. But you could generate a deployment guideline with the following command anyway:
$ twilio-runtime-utils -c context-local.yaml deploy Authenticator/descriptor.yaml
Follow the generated instructions on your terminal to deploy the function.
Utils provides twilio-runtime-exec
and TwilioRuntimeHelper
for you to write test cases for your _functions.
For example to write unit test in mocha:
- define test script in pakcage.json:
"scripts": {
"test": "twilio-runtime-exec ./node_modules/.bin/mocha --timeout 20000 specs.js"
- Write mocha test cases:
const path = require("path");
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const assert = chai.assert;
const TwilioRuntimeHelper = require("TwilioRuntimeHelper");
const contextFile = path.resolve(__dirname, "../../context-test.yaml");
const descriptorFile = path.resolve(__dirname, "../descriptor.yaml");
describe('Authenticator main test cases', function () {
it('return valid jwt token on correct pincode', function (done) {
TwilioRuntimeHelper.runTestDataJSON(contextFile, descriptorFile, {username: "trump", pincode: "928462"}, function (err, result) {