Various code fragments to make the life easier as a Cisco stack developer in Go. The idea is here to collect small snippets of Cisco related code that is used to work with Cisco devices in many ways.
There are no external dependencies in this code. Only Go builtin libraries. Please note that some of the subpackages may have other external dependencies.
To use this library just download it like this:
go get
And then add it into your program
package main
import (
func main() {
vlans := ciscoutils.ReadVlanCsv("vlan_test.csv", ';')
The list below are the functions that are provided for you. There are some others, they are mostly used for testing and development.
The inputstring is a numbered list "from-to", and in return you get either an error or the two numbers in the list.
low, high := GetRangefromString("3-10")
Will give you low = 3 and high = 10.
input a list of vlans in Cisco format and in return you get either a panic, an error or the list of vlan numbers in an array.
vlans, _ := GetVLANString("1,10-12,15,20-40,43")
Do not add white spaces into the input string.
When you have an array of Vlan (see below) you can then search through them to find a VLAN.
vlans := MakeTestVlans()
vlan := FindVlan(1, vlans)
If the given VLAN ID does not exist in the array, nil is returned.
Reads an input file and returns either an error or an array of []Vlan that you can work on.
vlans, _ := ReadVlanCsv("vlan_test.csv", ';')
The Vlan struct is used when you need to work with vlans.
ID int
Name string
Tenant string
VRF string