This is a neovim plugin for highlighting symbols with overlays. Highlights will be updated automatically along with edits. It depends on neovim-lspconfig and telescope.nvim(optional).
:lua require('symbol-overlay').toggle()
or press <C-t>t
by default.
For this to work, telescope.nvim is needed
:Telescope symbol_overlay gen
or press <C-t>g
by default.
For this to work, telescope.nvim is needed
:Telescope symbol_overlay list
or press <C-t>l
by default.
:lua require('symbol-overlay').clear_all()
or press <C-t>c
by default.
:lua require('symbol-overlay').next_highlight()
/ :lua require('symbol-overlay').prev_highlight()
or press <C-t>n
/ <C-t>p
by default.
By lazy.nvim:
dependencies = { "neovim/neovim-lspconfig" }, -- add telescope.nvim if you want to use batch mode
event = 'BufRead',
config = function ()
require'telescope'.load_extension('symbol_overlay') -- comment this if you don't have telescope installed
colors = {
keymap = {
toggle = '<C-t>t',
clear_all = '<C-t>c',
next_highlight = '<C-t>n',
prev_highlight = '<C-t>p',
gen = '<C-t>g',
list = '<C-t>l',
Use namespaces for batch deletion/updating of a set of highlights.
- add treesitter backend (maybe)
- scope-limited search in batch mode, like
Telescope symbol_overlay gen @function ".*setup.*"