Electricity consumption predictor that predicts electrcity consumption (kWh) for the specified month based on weather, region, and dwelling type inputs. Prediction models include 8 Deep Neural Nets, 7 Regression models, 3 Ensemble models and 1 K-Nearest Neighbors model
- Gathered by the Energy Market Authority of Singapore
- Variables used from Sheet T3.5 - Average Monthly Household Elecrtricity Consumption by Planning Area & Dwelling Type
- Historical climate data gathered by the Meteorological Service of Singapore
- Data scraped using a script
- Variables used [grouped by location]:
- Daily rainfall
- Highest 120m rainfall
- Temperature (Mean, Maximum, Minimum)
- Wind speed (Mean, Maximum)
Install the dependencies with the command below.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Finally, run the program with the command below.
python app.py