- Run discovery-service
- Run spring-boot-admin-service
- Run config-service
- Run trace-service
- Run edge-service
- Run api-user-service and api-pay-service
see also: https://blog.asarkar.org/technical/netflix-eureka/
see also: https://github.com/codecentric/spring-boot-admin
see also: https://bushkarl.gitbooks.io/spring-cloud/content/spring_cloud_netflix/router_and_filter_zuul.html
If trace IDs in the log files are not enough, you can perform a more sophisticated trace analysis by using Zipkin. Zipkin is an application that collects tracing data and displays detailed data about it in a web UI. This data contains the duration of the single steps between services among a lot of other things.
see also:
Spring Cloud Sleuth is a library that supports implementing such a trace ID.