Go to https://github.com/healem/kc Fork the repo: In the upper right corner, click the "Fork" button
Clone the repo: In the web page, somewhere around the middle of the screen, you should see HTTPS and something like "https://github.com/healem/kc.git" but with your username instead of healem. Copy this URL
In the SSH terminal, execute git clone . Example:
git clone https://github.com/healem/kc.git .
This will create a directory name "kc"
All further commands should be run in the "kc" directory.
git config --global user.email "your@email.address"
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
The above creates a standalone fork. You want to be able to get updates from my repo, though. So you need to add it as a remote
git remote add --track master "someName" https://github.com/healem/kc.git
git remote add --track master healemUpstream https://github.com/healem/kc.git
If you think there have been updates to this branch already, get them now by following the instructions in the "Get updates from main repo" section down below
Checkout your target branch - if you are just starting, this is "master"
git checkout <targetBranch>
Now create your local branch and push it to the remote (github.com)
git checkout -b myWorkingBranchName git push -u origin myWorkingBranchName
Now you are ready to code!
See what files git thinks you've added or changed
git status
If the list looks good, add them to the staging area
git add <file1> <file2> <file3>
Now commit the code and add a commit comment so other folks can know what you changed
git commit -m "Some descriptive comment about what you've changed"
Now your code is committed on your local branch. Time to push the changes up to github for sharing and safe keeping.
git push origin myWorkingBranchName
Enter your username and password for github. Once complete, your code is up on github in your fork of the repo.
The main repo in this case is https://github.com/healem/kc
In order to get your code into the main repo, you need to issue a pull request to the main repo. To do that, browse to your fork on github: https://github.com/killaclause/kc
Once there browse to your branch (myWorkginBranchName) click on the big green button that says "New pull request". Follow the prompts to issue a pull request to the "master" branch of my repo https://github.com/healem/kc
That's it!
To get updates from my upstream repo:
git fetch healemUpstream
git merge healemUpstream/master
That will pull all new updates from my repo's master branch into your current working branch
A great source for more info on the above: https://gun.io/blog/how-to-github-fork-branch-and-pull-request/