A powerful arduino shield for running BLDC motors using the FOC algorithm. This board is based on the BTN8982 half bridges and can support currents up to 30 Amps continuos and 50Amps peak. Making it a board that can run virtually any BLDC motor.
- Plug & play: In combination with Arduino SimpleFOClibrary - github
- Low-cost: Fabrication price under €25/pcs - will not be sold by silplefoc.com
- High-side current sensing: - not yet supported by SimpleFOClibrary
- In-line current sensing: - supported by SimpleFOClibrary
- Max power <500W: max current 30A, power-supply 24V
- Arduino headers: Arduino UNO, Arduino MEGA, STM32 Nucleo boards, Aruidno DUE...
- Small size: 53mm x 60mm
- Encoder/Hall sensors interface: Integrated 3.3kΩ pullups (configurable)
- Open Source:
- Fully available fabrication files
- If never done it before, see a similar guide for SimpleFOCShueld: how to make it yourself
- Altium project
- 3d model
- schematics
- Fully available fabrication files
- Stackable: running 2 motors in the same time
- I2C interface: Integrated 4.7kΩ pullups (configurable)
- Configurable pinout: Hardware configuration - soldering connections
New version of the SimpleFOC PowerShield is in the development at the moment (v0.3). The first versions are currently in testing. For more info check the developmental branch
At this point PowerShield has fixed pinout.
Signal | Description | Pin number |
IN1 | pwm 1 | 9 |
IN2 | pwm 2 | 6 |
IN3 | pwm 3 | 5 |
INH1 | enable 1 | 8 |
INH2 | enable 2 | 7 |
INH3 | enable 3 | 4 |
Signal | Description | Pin number |
CS1 | in-line current sense - phase 1/A | A0 |
CS2 | in-line current sense - phase 3/C | A1 |
IS1 | high-side current sense - phase 1/A | A2 |
IS2 | high-side current sense - phase 2/B | A3 |
Signal | Description | Pin number |
A/ U | Encoder A, Hall sensor U | 10 |
B/ V | Encoder B, Hall sensor V | 11 |
I/ W | Encoder C, Hall sensor W | 12 |