air2waterpy is a Python package implementing the air2water model (Piccolroaz et al., 2013) for simulating lake surface water temperature (LSWT) with only air temperature as model input. The original air2water model is written in Fortran, link to the repo. In this pacakge, we rewrote the model code with numpy and numba which can allow users who are more familar with python to implement an air2water model in few lines of code. The code structure is adapted from the Rainfall-Runoff modelling playground (RRMPG).
Main features of this python package:
- Used Numba was used for python code acceleration.
- Applied a fourth-order Runge-Kutta(RK4) method for approximating the numerical solution of the ODE system.
- Employed the pyswarms to calibrate the air2water model.
- Support parallel computation to speed up the model calibration.
- Daily air temperature: needs to be daily continuous to drive the daily model.
- Daily LSWT: for calibration/validation.
Recommend using python 3.12.
- numpy
- pandas
- numba
- joblib
- pyswarms
pip install air2waterpy
import pandas as pd
from air2waterpy import air2water
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Load air temperature and water temperature data of Lake Superior
df = pd.read_csv("test/superior.csv")
# test api of update parameter boundary based on the depth
model.update_param_bnds(mean_depth_range=(140, 150))
# initialize a model
model = air2water(version = "8p")
# select calibration period
cal_period = pd.date_range("1995-01-01", "2004-01-01")
val_period = pd.date_range("2005-01-01", "2011-12-31")
cal_df = df.loc[cal_period]
val_df = df.loc[val_period]
# particle swarm optimization for calibration
# use 10 cpus for parallel calibration
cost, joint_vars = model.pso_fit(, cal_df.ta, cal_period, n_cpus=10)
# load parameters
model.load_params(dict(zip(model._param_list, joint_vars)))
# simulate water temperature during validation period
val_tw_sim = model.simulate(val_df.ta,
th = 4.0,
tw_init = 1.0,
tw_ice = 0.0,
# plot the simulation performance
plt.plot(val_tw_sim, color = "k")