Below is the sorted documentation for FluffyScratch
Send a user to this page to start the authentication processs, afterwhich they will be redirect to the redirect location with the following query parameters, username, publicCode, privateCode, redirectLocation.
URL : /auth/getKeys/v2?redirect=:redirectLocation
- The user should be redirected to this page, this is not a backend request path
- redirectLocation should be passed as a base64 encoded version of the redirectLocation
- redirectLocation should not include the protocol as HTTPS is assumed, for example it should be the base64 of "" which would become "Zmx1ZmZ5c2NyYXRjaC5oYW1wdG9uLnB3L2F1dGgvdGVzdA"
After the client authenticates, they will be redirected to your site, to verify the authentication was correct use this path.
URL : /auth/verify/v2/:privateCode
Method : GET
Content examples
Authentication Successful
"valid": true,
"username": "herohamp",
"redirect": ""
Authentication Failure
"valid": false,
"username": null,
"redirect": null
- Each public and private code pair can only be used once
- Private keys are only valid for 5 minutes