This software is developed for people who like to record their lives.
- Dev-Platform
- ThinkPad-E450
- Deepin-15.10.1
- Dev-Environment
- Android Studio 3.4.1
- java: 1.8.0_152_release
- gradle: 3.4.0
- Gradle Version: 5.1.1
- buildToolsVersion: 29.0.0-rc3
- compileSdkVersion: 28
- minSdkVersion: 21
- Android X
- start ui
- chart
- setting ui
- about ui
- BaiDu Statistic
- login
- sign out
- change password
- change info
- personal info ui
- tencent location
- data to leancloud background
- load data to mapbox
- location setting
- track map
- quare track to show hot map
- show liveline
- manager liveline data
- show personal map
- vigor small tips
- unverified account processing
- analyse track
- ui
- sql
- location
- map
- record
find location where user stop.
No.1: Calculate the number of points in the space-time range.
No.2: Analyse marker points by time and space range points and spatial extent.