This is a solution to the Todo app challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
- Solution URL: Frontendmentor
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- Mobile-first workflow
- SCSS - CSS pre-processor
- React - JS library
- Firebase - For saving data
- react-beautiful-dnd - For re-ordering list
- Vite - local development server
react-beutiful-dnd - this helped me to create dragable todo item.
React Router DOM - This Helped me to routes the page of the application.
Youtube Video about how to use react-beautiful-dnd - This video helped me to understand react-beatiful-dnd.
Youtube Video about how to use Sign-in With Google for firebase - This video helped me to add the functionality of google sign-in for the application.
Youtube Video about how to use Facebook Authentication for firebase - This video helped me to add the functionality of facebook sign-in for the application.
Youtube Video about how to create email and password - This helped me to create the sign-up function for the application.
Youtube Video about how to deploy in firebase - This helped me to this application using the hosting of firebase for ReactJs and Vite.
- Frontend Mentor - Jonel Hatwell
- LinkedIn - Jonel Hatwell