Releases: haskell-works/hw-ip
Releases · haskell-works/hw-ip
Release v2.4.2.0
- Fix development build files by @newhoggy
- Add install command to by @newhoggy
- Upgrade to ghc-8.8.2 in CI by @newhoggy
- Update orbs by @newhoggy
- Upgrade generic-lens dependency by @newhoggy
- CI build for ghc-8.8.3 by @newhoggy
- Upgrade to github-release@1.3.3 by @newhoggy
- Upgrade to hackage@1.4.1 by @newhoggy
- Update test-with cabal metadata by @newhoggy
- Deprecate ghc-8.2.2 and copyright update by @newhoggy
- Remove unused imports by @newhoggy
- Introduce merge point by @newhoggy
- Support ghc-8.10.1 by @newhoggy
- New version by @newhoggy
Release v2.4.1.0
- Revert to cabal file version 2.4 by @newhoggy
- Revert to cabal file version 2.4 by @newhoggy
- Enable doctest by @newhoggy
- Allow RFC-6052 parsing and conversion from V6 to V4 when detected by @dsturnbull
- Merge pull request #80 from haskell-works/allow-decoding-ipv4-from-ipv6 Allow RFC-6052 parsing and conversion from V6 to V4 when detected by @dsturnbull
- New version by @dsturnbull
Release v2.4.0.1
- remove hw-ip prefix from hw-ip-gen dependency by @dsturnbull
- Direct test output and generate environment files by @newhoggy
- New wordsToIpAddress function by @newhoggy
- New version by @newhoggy
Release v2.4.0.0
- Sponsorship by @newhoggy
- added range-stats command, that prints out the length of the given range (a.b.c.d - e.f.g.h) by @dsturnbull
- Merge pull request #75 from haskell-works/range-stats-command added range-stats command, that prints out the length of the given range by @dsturnbull
- added hw-ip-gen library, that exposes MonadGen for some types by @dsturnbull
- Merge pull request #76 from haskell-works/add-gen-library added hw-ip-gen library, that exposes MonadGen for some types by @dsturnbull
- New version by @dsturnbull
Release v2.3.4.2
- Upgrade haskell-build orb version by @newhoggy
- Upgrade to haskell-build-4.0.1 by @newhoggy
- Upgrade to haskell-build-4.0.2 by @newhoggy
- Bump upper-bound of optparse-applicative by @newhoggy
- Relax lower bound on containers by @newhoggy
- Upgrade generic-lens version by @newhoggy
- Fixes to compile and test with ghc-8.8.1 by @newhoggy
- Add ghc-8.8.1 to CI by @newhoggy
- New version by @newhoggy
Release v2.3.4.1
- Add missing instance by @AlexeyRaga
Release v2.3.4.0
- Functions to convert blocks to addresses and ranges to lists by @AlexeyRaga
- Merge pull request #67 from haskell-works/block-to-list Functions to convert blocks to addresses and ranges to lists by @AlexeyRaga
- Release v2.3.4.0 by @AlexeyRaga
Release v2.3.3.0
- Generalise IpAddress by @AlexeyRaga
- Merge pull request #66 from haskell-works/generalise-ipaddress Generalise IpAddress by @AlexeyRaga
- Release v2.3.3.0 by @AlexeyRaga
Release v2.3.2.0
- Reorganise internal modules by @newhoggy
- Generalise Canonicalise by @AlexeyRaga
- Merge pull request #65 from haskell-works/generalise-canonicalise Generalise Canonicalise by @AlexeyRaga
- Release v2.3.2.0 by @AlexeyRaga