Documentation Link
Documentation on above provided link state that "vpc_config" block in "aws_appstream_image_builder" has to look like this:
vpc_config { subnet_ids = [] }
It states that you must provide the "subnet_ids" but actually you could not provide more than 1 subnet.
Here is also the description of the parameters extracted from above provided link:
The vpc_config block supports the following arguments:
security_group_ids - (Optional) Identifiers of the security groups for the image builder or image builder.
subnet_ids - (Optional) Identifiers of the subnets to which a network interface is attached from the image builder instance or image builder instance.`
As you could noticed the description is clearly state that "Identifiers of the subnets".
Also there is duplication of words at the end of there descriptions "for the image builder or image builder." and "from the image builder instance or image builder instance."
Output from terraform apply with multiple subnets:
│ Error: creating AppStream ImageBuilder (test-image-builder2): InvalidParameterCombinationException: Please provide only a single subnet id. │ │ with module.appstream2.aws_appstream_image_builder.image_builder, │ on ../ line 4, in resource "aws_appstream_image_builder" "image_builder": │ 4: resource "aws_appstream_image_builder" "image_builder" {
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