In-terminal ASCII image viewer.
It can show an image if a path is given, otherwise show video device stream.
compatible with your distro from releases. -
Install it:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install ./terimg_ubuntu_<ubuntu version>_x64.deb
- Run it:
terimg # read from webcam
terimg -p <path to an image>
- Other options:
terimg -h
Usage: terimg [-h] [--width VAR] [--brightness VAR] [--contrast VAR] [--text VAR] [--path VAR] [--video VAR]
Optional arguments:
-h, --help shows help message and exits
-v, --version prints version information and exits
-w, --width number of chars in a row of the output string [default: 100]
-b, --brightness Number between 0-255 by which pixel intensities are incremented [default: 0]
-c, --contrast Float number defining contrast. 1.0 is no change in contrast, 0.5 decrease 50%, and 1.5 increase by 150% [default: 1]
-t, --text characters used in rendering the images. Ordered from darkest to brightest [default: " .,:;i80@"]
-p, --path Image input path. If not given, it will read from the video device [default: ""]
-i, --video Index of video device (used in video device mode when image path is not given [default: 0]
- You need to install OpenCV first:
sudo apt install libopencv-dev
- Then:
- then run the binary: