A restaurant chatbot uses Facebook Messenger Platform, building from scratch with Node.js Platform.
Video demo the bot: https://youtu.be/sLdrrZLxIgU
- Feel free to test my bot👉: https://m.me/restaurantHaryPhamDev
- The Facebook Page I embed that bot: https://www.facebook.com/restaurantHaryPhamDev
- Showing menu (lunch, dinner, pub menu), showing rooms.
- Take a reservation.
- Call the phone number, persistent menu (link to view Facebook Fan Page, Youtube channel).
- Automatic understand a message is a datetime or a phone number (use for taking reservation).
- Whenever a reservation is done, a message notification will be automatically push to a group Telegram.
- Mark converstion is read.
- Turn on/off typing
- Handle the sentences with meaning "greetings", "thanks" and bye (support English, Spanish, Germany and France). Eg: test the bot with these sentences: What's up or Hola or Hallo or Bonjour.
5. Going to Facebook Developer App, add the Messenger Product, generate FACEBOOK_PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN, config the webhook (default, the url for the webhook is: <the_domain_your_herokuapp>/webhook ) .
6. Enable the option: Build-in NLP on Messenger Product (Natural Laguage Processing) to make the bot understand the sentences with the meaning "datetime" and "phone_number"
7.(Optional) If you want to push a notificaton to a group Telegram (when a customer is finish the process of "Reserve a table"), create a Telegram Bot and a group Telegram.
- Forgetting to update the environment variables on Heroku : go to "Settings option", then "Reveal Congfig Var"
- The bot only works with the admin account, doesn't reply the others Facebook accounts: need to be approved the "pages_messaging" permission. For detail, watch this video: https://youtu.be/0VRQRHnrGxg
Wonder how to build this bot and want to make it yourself, watch my video to build this bot from scratch: https://youtu.be/x_0X3EHmIu4
- Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/subscribe-haryphamdev
- Facebook Fanpage: https://facebook.com/haryphamdev
- Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/haryphamdev
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/haryphamdev
- GitHub: https://github.com/haryphamdev