This is an interactive API for educational demonstrations, using Django Channels and Django REST framework.
docker compose up -d --build
docker compose exec web poetry run ./ migrate
docker compose exec web poetry run ./ collectstatic
docker compose exec web poetry run ./ createsuperuser
docker compose exec web poetry run ./ runserver
Log in as the new superuser at localhost:5000/admin. Identify or create a token, then go to localhost:5000/rooms/test and run, e.g.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:5000/new_event -H 'Authorization: Token <token>' -d '{"message": "hello world!", "room_name":"test"}'
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:5000/new_event -H 'Authorization: Token <token>' -d '{"color": "blue", "room_name":"test"}'
Hit Ctrl-C
to stop the server, then stop the containers by running
docker compose down
You can also run the service with daphne directly, as in the Procfile
docker compose exec web poetry run daphne -p 5000 dostuff.asgi:application --bind -v2