A desktop Node.js app to track and get COVID-19 updates on desktop through notifications. Also stores stats through constant snapshots Uses Worldometers in the background.
- Node.js
- NPM (Comes bundled with Node.js)
- pm2 (Optional)
npm install pm2 -g
- Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/harshit-sinha-developer/covid-19-tracker.git
- Run npm install
npm install
- Get data as notifications
npm start
- Schedule notifications
npm run schedule
- Run scheduler in background
pm2 start schedule.js
Select list of countries to get notifications for - Uncomment countries in the enabled_countries_regions.js
Default - USA, Canada, India, World -
Select status to display - Uncomment fields in
property in config.js
Default - Total Cases, New Cases -
Cron scheduling Update the field
in config.js Refer - https://support.acquia.com/hc/en-us/articles/360004224494-Cron-time-string-format
Default - Once every four hours
We use SemVer for versioning.
- Harshit Sinha - Initial work - Github
This project is licensed under the MIT License