Hi there, I’m Harsh Bhardwaj 👋
I'm a passionate MERN stack developer and an avid open-source contributor, ranked in the top 50 at GSSoC'24 60+ merged PRs. I enjoy building innovative projects, including Tech-Treasure Hub an EdTech platform, and Swarnim Bharat, showcasing India's heritage.
🌱 Exploring advanced React.js and Node.js projects
🔭 Currently working on Tech-Treasure Hub
💬 Ask me about MERN stack, DSA, or Open Source
📫 Reach me at: harshbhar.0629@gmail.com
LinkedIn Link
🌟 GSSoC'24 Top Contributor | Tech Enthusiast
👑 Leetcode Knight | Master Problem Solver
⭐ 4⭐ on GeeksforGeeks | Coding Ninja
🎓 Master in Coding Ninjas | DSA Expert
💻 C++ | JavaScript | MERN Stack | Full-Stack Developer
🌐 Explore My Projects on GitHub
🚀 Passionate about Open Source & Collaboration