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Vector Search Benchmarking suite


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VSB: Vector Search Bench

VSB is a benchmarking suite for vector search. It lets you quickly measure how different workloads perform on a range of vector databases.



VSB has the following requirements:

  • Python >= 3.11
  • Docker Compose >= 2.27 (for non-cloud hosted databases)


macOS ships with an older version of Python (3.9 or earlier). Ensure you have a new enough version of Python or VSB installation will fail. For example, you can use Homebrew with the following command:

brew install python@3.11


Install VSB by following these steps:

  1. Clone this repo:

    git clone
  2. Use Poetry to install dependencies:

    cd VSB
    pip3 install poetry && poetry install
  3. Activate an environment containing dependencies:

    poetry shell



To run VSB against a cloud-hosted vector database, provide suitable credentials for an existing database instance.

For example, to run the mnist-test workload against a Pinecone index, provide parameters like the following, where --api_key specifies the Pinecone API key to use.

vsb --database=pinecone --workload=mnist-test \

When no index name is specified, VSB creates an index during the setup phase. The new index has a name of the form vsb-<workload_name>. For example, the command above creates an index named vsb-mnist-test.

Local database via Docker

Alternatively, VSB can run against a locally hosted vector database such as pgvector running in Docker.

To run VSB against a local vector database, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the database via docker compose in one terminal:
cd docker/pgvector
docker compose up
  1. From a second terminal, run VSB:
vsb --database=pgvector --workload=mnist-test

Example output:


VSB is a CLI tool that runs various workloads against a range of vector databases and measure how they perform.

Each experiment consists of three phases: Setup, Populate, and Run:

  • Setup: Prepares the database and workload for the experiment by creating tables and indexes and downloading or generating data.
  • Populate: Loads the database with data, creates indexes, etc.
  • Run: Executes the workload against the database, measuring throughput, latency, and other metrics.

VSB automatically runs these phases in sequence, and reports the results at the end. VSB writes detailed results to the stats.json file and displays a summary.

Supported databases

The following databases are currently supported by VSB:


You can also display the list of supported databases using the following command: vsb --database=help

Supported workloads

VSB currently supports the following workloads:

Name Cardinality Dimensions Metric Description
mnist 60,000 784 euclidean Images of handwritten digits from MNIST
nq768 2,680,893 768 dot product Natural language questions from Google Research.
yfcc-10M 10,000,000 192 euclidean Images from Yahoo Flickr Creative Commons 100M annotated with a "bag" of tags
cohere768 10,000,000 768 cosine English Wikipedia articles embedded with Cohere from wikipedia-22-12
msmarco-v2-ada 138,364,198 1536 cosine MSMarco-V2-Ada dataset - 138M records from Microsoft's MSMARCOv2 dataset, embedded with Ada
synthetic (user-specified) (user-specified) (user-specified) Synthetic records and queries pseudo-randomly generated of a custom distribution, dimensionality, metric, and cardinality.

You can also display the list of supported workloads using the following command: vsb --workload=help

There are also smaller test workloads available for most workloads, such as mnist-test and nq768-test. These are designed for basic sanity checking of a test environment. They recalculate the expected results in memory each time they are run, so load times may be long for larger tests like cohere768-test.


The vsb command requires two parameters:

  • --database=<database>: the database to run against.
  • --workload=<workload>: the workload to execute.

Omitting the value for either database or workload displays a list of available choices.

Specify additional parameters to further configure the database or workload. Some databases require additional parameters, such as
credentials or a target index.

Common parameters include the following:

  • --requests_per_sec=<float>: Cap the rate at which requests are issued to the database.
  • --users=<int>: Specify the number of concurrent users (connections) to simulate.
  • --skip_populate: Skip populating the database with data and immediately perform the Run phase.

Use cases

VSB is designed to help you quickly measure how different workloads perform on a range of vector databases. It can be used to perform a range of tasks, including the following:

  • Compare the performance of differente vector databases, including throughput, latency, and accuracy;
  • Benchmark the performance of a single database across different workloads;
  • Evaluate the performance of a database under different conditions, such as different data sizes, dimensions, metrics, and access patterns;
  • Understand the performance characteristics and identify the bottlenecks of a database;
  • Perform regression testing to ensure that changes to a database do not degrade performance.

Synthetic Workloads

Sometimes the workload you want to model doesn't exist in any provided dataset, or you want to test a specific aspect of a database's performance. In these cases, you can use a synthetic workload to generate custom workloads with specific characteristics.

There are three modes of synthetic workloads, however the most common is the synthetic-proportional workload:

  • synthetic-proportional workloads populate the database with an initial set of records, then run a series of assorted request operations (inserts, queries, deletes, updates) in proportion to the given ratios.

  • synthetic workloads generate a fixed number of records and queries with the given distribution, then runs population and query phases in sequence.

  • synthetic-runbook workloads generate a fixed number of records and queries, and splits them into a series of multiple 'populate -> run' steps. This is useful for testing how a database performs when data is loaded incrementally.

Some important parameters for synthetic workloads include:

  • --synthetic_records: The number of records to generate for the synthetic workload.
  • --synthetic_requests: The number of requests to generate for the run phase of the synthetic workload.
  • --synthetic_dimensions: The dimensionality of generated vectors.
  • --synthetic_query_distribution: The distribution of query/fetch IDs for synthetic proportional workloads.
  • --synthetic_record_ratio: The distribution of record vectors in space for synthetic proportional workloads.
  • --synthetic_insert_ratio: The proportion of insert operations for synthetic proportional workloads.
  • --synthetic_query_ratio: The proportion of query operations for synthetic proportional workloads.
  • --synthetic_metadata: The metadata schema to use for each record.

Defining Synthetic Metadata

Metadata can optionally be generated for each record in a synthetic workload. Metadata is specified using one or more --synthetic_metadata flags. Each flag defines a metadata field with a name and a format specification.

Supported Metadata Types
Type Format Spec Example
Random integer with # digits <# digits>n id:10n{"id": 1234567890}
Random alphanumeric string of # characters <# chars>s username:8s{"username": "aZb3Xy91"}
List of <# items> strings, each of length <# chars> <# chars>s<# items>l tags:5s10l{"tags": ["apple", "delta", "omega", ...]}
Random boolean (true or false) b active:b{"active": true}
Example Metadata Usage
  • --synthetic_metadata=id:10n → Generates a numeric id with 10 random digits*
  • --synthetic_metadata=tags:5s10l → Generates a tags field containing a list of 10 random words, each 5 characters long.
  • --synthetic_metadata=username:8s → Generates a random username with 8 characters.
  • --synthetic_metadata=active:b → Generates an active/inactive flag as true or false.

You can see the full list of parameters by running vsb --help.


The following command runs a synthetic workload against Pinecone, with 1,000 initial records, then performs 100 requests in a zipfian query distribution, made up of 30% inserts, 50% queries, 10% deletes, and 10% updates:

vsb --database=pinecone --pinecone_api_key=<API_KEY> \
    --workload=synthetic-proportional \
    --synthetic_records=1000 --synthetic_requests=100 \
    --synthetic_insert_ratio=0.3 --synthetic_query_ratio=0.5 \
    --synthetic_delete_ratio=0.1 --synthetic_update_ratio=0.1 \
    --synthetic_dimensions=768 --synthetic_query_distribution=zipfian \
    --synthetic_metadata=id:10n --synthetic_metadata=tags:5s10l


You can use shorter versions of the parameters, such as -N for records and -c for queries. The full list of flags is available by running vsb --help.

The following command runs a series of 4 synthetic workloads against Pinecone, in order, each with 10,000 records and 500 queries, with custom dimensionality and metrics:

(Load 10000, Run 500, Load next 10000, ...)

vsb --database=pinecone --pinecone_api_key=<API_KEY> \
    --workload=synthetic-runbook --synthetic_steps=4 \
    -n=40000 -r=2000 --synthetic_dimensions=400 \

Measuring latency

VSB measures latency by sending a query to the database and measuring the duration between issuing the request and receiving the database's response. This includes both the send/receive time and the time for the database to process the request. As such, latency is affected by the RTT between the VSB client and the database in addition to how long the database takes to issue a response.

VSB records latency values for each request, then reports these as percentiles when the workload completes. It also displays Live values from the last 10 seconds during the run for selected percentiles:


The following command runs the yfcc-10M workload against Pinecone at 10 QPS:

vsb --database=pinecone --workload=yfcc-10M \
    --pinecone_api_key=<API_KEY> \
    --users=10 --requests_per_sec=10

Designing a latency experiment

When measuring latency, consider the following factors:

  • Requests per second This is the rate at which requests are issued, specified by the --requests_per_sec parameter. Choose a request rate that is representative of the expected production workload. Avoid values that saturate the client machine or the database server, resulting in elevated latencies.

  • The number of concurrent requests to simulate. This is specified by the --users parameter. Most production workloads have multiple clients issuing requests to the database concurrently, so it's important to represent this in the experiment.

  • Which metrics to report. Latency and throughput are classic measures of many database systems, but vector database experiments must also consider the quality of the responses to queries, such as what recall is achieved at a given latency.

    Also consider the distribution of recall values. A median (p50) recall of 80% may seem good, but if p10 recall is 0%, then 10% of your queries are returning no relevent results.

Measuring throughput

VSB measures throughput by calculating the number of responses received over a given period of time. It maintains a running count of the requests issued over the course of the Run phase, and reports the overall rate when the experiment finishes. It also displays a live value over last 10 seconds during the run.


The following command runs the nq-768 workload against pgvector with multiple users and processes. The goal is to saturate it the database server.

vsb --database=pgvector --workload=nq768 --users=10 --processes=10

Designing a throughput experiment

Throughput experiments are typically trying to answer one of two questions:

  1. Can the system handle the expected production workload?
  2. How far can the system scale within acceptable latency bounds?

In the first case, throughput is an input to the experiment: you can specify the expected workload via --requests_per_sec=N. In the second case, throughput is an output: you want to generate increasing amounts of load until the response time exceeds your acceptable bounds, thus identifying the maximum real-world throughput.

By default, VSB only simulates one user (--users=1), so the throughput is effectively the reciprocal of the latency. Bear this in mind when trying to measure throughput of a system: you typically need to increase the number of --users (and potentially --processes) to ensure there's sufficient concurrent work given to the database system under test.

Extending VSB

VSB is extensible, so you can add new databases workloads.

Adding a new database

To add a new database to VSB, create a new module for your database and implement 5 required methods, then register with VSB:

  1. Create a new module in vsb/databases/ for your database. For example, for mydb create vsb/databases/mydb/

  2. Implement a Database class in this module. This class inherits from database.DB and implements the required methods:

    • __init__() - Set up the connection to your database and any other required initialization.
    • get_namespace() - Returns a Namespace object to use for the given namespace name. This may be called a "table" or "sub-index." If the database doesn't support multiple namespaces, or if you are developing an initial implemenation, this can return just a single Namespace object.
    • get_batch_size() - Returns the preferred size of record batch for the populate phase.
  3. Implement optional methods if applicable to your database, implement the following methods:

    • initialize_populate() - Prepares the database for the populate phase, including tasks like creating a table or clearing existing data.
    • finalize_populate() - Finalizes the populate phase, including tasks like creating an index or waiting for upserted data to be processed.
  4. Implement a Namespace class in this module that inherits from database.Namespace and implements the following required methods:

    • upsert_batch() - Upserts the given batch of records into the namespace.
    • search() - Performs a search for the given query vector.
  5. Register the database with VSB by adding an entry to the Database enum in vsb/databases/ and updating get_class().

  6. (Optional) Add database-specific command-line arguments to the add_vsb_cmdline_args() method in vsb/, such as arguments for passing credentials, connection parameters, or index tunables.

  7. (Optional) Add Docker compose file to the docker/ directory to launch a local instance of the database to run tests against. This is only applicable to locally running databases.

You can now run VSB against your database by specifying --database=mydb.

Tips and tricks

  • When implementing a new database module, use the existing database modules in VSB as a reference. For example, refer to databases/pgvector for an example of a locally-running DB, or database/pinecone for a cloud-hosted DB.
  • Integration tests exist for each supported database. Run these via pytest to check that the module is working correctly. Create a similar test suite for your database.
  • The *-test workloads are quick to run and a good starting point for testing your database module. For example, workloads/mnist-test is only 600 records and 20 queries and should complete in a few seconds on most databases. Once you have the test workloads working, you can move on to the larger workloads.
  • VSB uses standard Python logging, so you can use logging to output debug information from your database module. The default emitted log level is INFO, but this can be changed via --loglevel=DEBUG.

Adding a new workload

To add a new workload to VSB, create a new module for your workload, then register it with VSB.

This can be any kind of workload. For example, it could be a synthetic workload, a real-world dataset, or a workload based on a specific use-case. If the dataset already exists in Parquet format, you can use the ParquetWorkload base class to simplify this. Otherwise, implement the full VectorWorkload base class.

Parquet-based workloads

VSB has support for loading static datasets from Parquet files, assuming the files match the pinecone-datasets schema.

  1. Create a new module in vsb/workloads/ for your workload. For example, for my-workload, create vsb/workloads/my-workload/
  2. Implement a Workload class in this module that inherits from parquet_workload.ParquetWorkload and implements the required methods and properties:
    • __init__() - Calls to the superclass constructor passing the dataset path. For example:

      class MyWorkload(ParquetWorkload):
          def __init__(self, name: str, cache_dir: str):
              super().__init__(name, "gs://bucket/my_workload", cache_dir=cache_dir)
    • dimensions - The dimensionality of the vectors in the dataset.

    • metric - The distance metric to use for the workload.

    • record_count - The number of records in the dataset.

    • request_count - The number of queries to perform.

  3. Register the workload with VSB by adding an entry to the Workload enum in vsb/workloads/ and updating get_class().

You can now run this workload by specifying --workload=my-workload.

Other workloads

If the dataset is not in Parquet format, or if you want to have more control over the operation of it, then implement the VectorWorkload base class by following these steps:

  1. Create a new module in vsb/workloads/ for your workload. For example, for my-workload, create vsb/workloads/my-workload/
  2. Implement a Workload class in this module that inherits from base.VectorWorkload and implements the required methods and properties:
    • __init__() - Whatever initialisation is needed for the workload.
    • dimensions - The dimensionality of the vectors in the dataset.
    • metric - The distance metric to use for the workload.
    • record_count - The number of records in the dataset.
    • request_count - The number of queries to perform.
    • get_sample_record() - Returns a sample record from the dataset. This is used by specific databases to calculate a suitable batch size for the populate phase.
    • get_record_batch_iter() - Returns an iterator over a batch of records to initially populate the database.
    • get_query_iter() - Returns an iterator over the queries a client should perform during the Run phase.
  3. Register the workload with VSB by adding an entry to the Workload enum in vsb/workloads/ and updating get_class().

You can now run this workload by specifying --workload=my-workload.

Workload Sequences

VSB also supports running a sequence of workloads in succession. This is useful for more complex experiments that may require multiple iterations of upserting and querying data. Implement each workload as above, and wrap the ordered sequence of workloads in a subclass of VectorWorkloadSequence.

  1. Implement a WorkloadSequence class in this module that inherits from base.VectorWorkloadSequence and implements the required methods and properties:
    • __init__() - Whatever initialisation is needed for the sequence. If you need to pass parameters to each workload, you can do so here. Assign a list[VectorWorkload] to self.workloads to take advantage of the default __getitem__ implementation.
    • workload_count() - Returns the number of workloads in the sequence.
    • __getitem__() - (optional with self.workloads) Returns the workload at the given index.
  2. Register the workload with VSB by adding an entry to the WorkloadSequence enum in vsb/workloads/ and updating get_class().


Vector Search Benchmarking suite







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