v5 Refactoring explanations
The future deprecation of sfdx force:source:** commands on 6 november finally convinced us to switch everything from SFDX core to SF CLI core. (otherwise existing CI/CD pipelines would not work anymore from this date !)
Therefore, sfdx-hardis required a complete refactoring as described below, but this won't impact existing CI/CD and Monitoring pipelines.
We made many tests but risk zero do not exist, so if you see any bug, please report them ASAP and we'll solve them quickly :)
Major changes
Migrate plugin from SFDX plugin core to SF Cli Plugin core
- Convert commands code from SfdxCommand base to SfCommand base
- Migrate internal Bulk Api calls from Bulk API v1 to Bulk API v2
- Upgrade all npm dependencies to their latest version (more secured)
Change background calls to legacy sfdx commands to call their SF Cli replacements
sfdx force:mdapi:convert
->sf project convert mdapi
sfdx force:mdapi:deploy
->sf project deploy start --metadata-dir
sfdx force:source:retrieve
->sf project retrieve start
sfdx force:source:deploy
->sf project deploy start
sfdx force:source:pull
->sf project retrieve start
sfdx force:source:push
->sf project deploy start
sfdx force:source:tracking:clear
->sf project delete tracking
sfdx force:source:manifest:create
->sf project generate manifest
sfdx sgd:source:delta
->sf sgd:source:delta
sfdx force:org:create
->sf org create sandbox
|sf org create scratch
sfdx force:org:list
->sf org list
sfdx force:org:delete
->sf org delete scratch
sfdx config:get
->sf config get
sfdx config:set
->sf config set
sfdx auth:web:login
->sf org login web
sfdx auth:jwt:grant
->sf org login jwt
sfdx auth:sfdxurl:store
->sf org login sfdx-url
sfdx org:login:device
->sf org login device
sfdx force:data:record:get
->sf data get record
sfdx force:data:record:update
->sf data update record
sfdx force:data:soql:query
->sf data query
sfdx force:data:bulk:delete
->sf data delete bulk
sfdx alias:list
->sf alias list
sfdx alias:set
->sf alias set
sfdx force:apex:test:run
->sf apex run test
sfdx force:apex:execute
->sf apex run
sfdx force:package:create
->sf package create
sfdx force:package:version:create
->sf package version create
sfdx force:package:version:delete
->sf package version delete
sfdx force:package:version:list
->sf package version list
sfdx force:package:version:promote
->sf package version promote
sfdx force:package:installed:list
->sf package installed
sfdx force:package:install
->sf package install
sfdx force:user:password:generate
->sf org generate password
sfdx force:user:permset:assign
->sf org assign permset
sfdx hardis:_
->sf hardis:_
New wrappers commands for SF Cli deployment commands
sf hardis project deploy validate
-> Wrapssf project deploy validate
sf hardis project deploy quick
-> Wrapssf project deploy quick
sf hardis project deploy start
-> Wrapssf project deploy start
New Features / Enhancements
- hardis:project:deploy:smart
- New feature useSmartDeploymentTests: Improve performances by not running test classes when delta deployment contain only non impacting metadatas, and target org is not production
- Rename command hardis:project:deploy:source:dx into hardis:project:deploy:smart (previous command alias remains, no need to update your pipelines !)
- commandsPreDeploy and commandsPostDeploy
- New option context for a command, defining when it is run and when it is not: all (default), check-deployment-only or process-deployment-only
- New option runOnlyOnceByOrg: If set to
, the command will be run only one time per org. A record of SfdxHardisTrace__c is stored to make that possible (it needs to be existing in target org)
- New commands
- hardis:project:deploy:simulate to validate the deployment of a single metadata (used by VsCode extension)
- hardis:org:diagnose:releaseupdates to check for org Release Updates from Monitoring or locally
- hardis:misc:purge-references to partially automate the cleaning of related dependencies when you need to delete a field, or change its type (for example from master detail to lookup)
- hardis:project:clean:sensitive-metadatas to mask sensitive metadatas from git repo (ex: Certificate content)
- hardis:work:save and hardis:project:deploy:sources:dx: Improve runtime performances thanks to internalization of sfdx-essentials commands
- hardis:work:new
- Allow to add labels in property
, using a comma. For examples,- integration,Choose this branch if you are on the BUILD side of the project !
- Add current default org in the choices when prompting which org to use
- Allow to add labels in property
- hardis:project:new
- Initialize autoCleanTypes with destructivechanges, flowPositions and minimizeProfiles
- Initialize package-no-overwrite.xml with Certificate metadata. (certificates must be uploaded manually)
- hardis:org:files:export: Improve display with spinner
- hardis:org:purge:flow: If FlowInterview records are preventing Flow Versions to be deleted, prompt user to delete Flow Interviews before trying again to delete Flow Versions
- hardis:project:generate:gitdelta: Add option to generate package.xml related to a single commit
- hardis:org:data:delete: Check for property "runnableInProduction" in export.json before running deletion in production org.
- hardis:org:diagnose:audittrail: Add new filtered actions
- Customer Portal: createdcustomersuccessuser
- Authentication: do not use alias MY_ORG anymore + do not update local user config if no values to replace.
- When selecting an org, make sure it is still connected. If not, open browser so the user can authenticate again.
- Update sfdx-hardis Grafana Dashboards to import in your Grafana Cloud
- SF Instance name
- Next platform upgrade
- Release Updates to check
- Installed packages
- Org licenses
- AI Deployment assistant
- Add error
Change Matching Rule
- Add error
- Git Providers
- On Pull Requests / Merge Requests comments, add hyperlinks to errors documentation URL
- Avoid error when removing obsolete flows (workaround using SF CLI if tooling api connection fails). Fixes #662
- Improve Slack/Teams notifications display
- Display explicit error message in case a password is required to install a managed package.
- minor mega-linter fixes by @readeral in #767
- Schema fix by @readeral in #772
- Reorganize README content
- Add link to Dreamforce 24 session
- Deployment assistant: Improve documentation by adding examples of errors, and a standalone page for each tip
- Factorize the definition of DOC_ROOT_URL https://sfdx-hardis.cloudity.com
Deprecate wrapper commands matching sfdx commands that will be removed. All replaced by sf hardis deploy start
sfdx hardis:source:push
sfdx hardis:source:deploy
sfdx hardis:mdapi:retrieve
sfdx hardis:mdapi:deploy
as nobody uses metadata format anymore
Replace puppeteer by puppeteer-core: it means that if you use a command requiring puppeteer, please make sure to have a Chrome available in your environment (already integrated within the Docker image)
Get rid of sfdx-essentials plugin dependency by internalizing its used commands
sf hardis:packagexml:append
sf hardis:packagexml:remove
sf hardis:project:clean:filter-xml-content
Remove npm dependencies (some of them not maintained anymore)
- @adobe/node-fetch-retry
- @amplitude/node
- @keyv/redis
- @oclif/command
- @oclif/config
- @oclif/errors
- @salesforce/command
- @salesforce/ts-types
- find-package-json
- node-fetch
Remove not used keyValueStores to keep only Salesforce one
VsCode Extension
VsCode SFDX Hardis has already been released !
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v4.53.0...v5.0.1