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🚲 GoBikes - Rent Bike Backend API

GoBikes is a simple backend service designed for a bike rental application. The primary motivation behind this project is to explore backend engineering, understand its complexities, and apply key concepts like database management, API development, and performance optimization.

⚠️ Disclaimer: This project is created purely for learning purposes and is not intended for production use.

🛠️ Tech Stack

  • Programming Language: Go (Golang)
  • Web Framework: Gin - Fast HTTP framework for Go
  • Database: MySQL
  • API Testing: Postman / Curl
  • Tools: Docker (optional), Git

📚 Features

  1. Vehicle Listing:

    • Exposes an API to list all vehicles filtered by location.
    • Sorts vehicles based on their base cost.
  2. Cost Calculation:

    • API to calculate the final cost based on selected start and end time.
    • Applies rules like base pricing, hourly charges, and kilometer limits.
  3. Booking Management:

    • Place an order to rent a bike for a certain duration.
    • Generates a unique order ID upon successful booking.
  4. Data Relationships:

    • Handles relationships between vehicles, locations, and costs using foreign keys.
  5. JWT based authentication

🚀 **API Endpoints [WIP] ⏳ **

Method Endpoint Description
GET /vehicle/{location_name} List all vehicles in the specified location.
GET /vehicle/{location_name}/{vehicle_id}/{start_time}/{end_time} Retrieve the final rental cost.
POST /order/vehicle Place an order for renting a vehicle.

Example Request: Place an Order

Endpoint: /order/vehicle
Method: POST
Request Body:

    "vehicle_id": "1234",
    "start_time": "1734420600",
    "end_time": "1734442200"


    "order_id": "ORD123456",
    "message": "Booking successful"

⚙️ Database Design

1. Vehicles Table

Column Type Description
id BIGINT Primary Key
model TEXT Vehicle model name
year BIGINT Manufacture year
type_id BIGINT Foreign key to vehicle_types
available BOOLEAN Availability status
booked_till_date TEXT Date until the vehicle is booked
price_per_hour FLOAT Hourly rental price
image TEXT Vehicle image URL

2. Vehicle Costs Table

Column Type Description
id BIGINT Primary Key
vehicle_id BIGINT Foreign Key to
base_cost FLOAT Base cost for initial duration
hourly_cost FLOAT Cost per additional hour
km_limit INT Kilometers allowed for the period

3. Locations Table

Column Type Description
location_id BIGINT Primary Key
name TEXT Location name

📖 Learning Outcomes

This project has been a hands-on experience to understand:

  1. Structuring backend services in Go.
  2. Managing data relationships and performing JOIN queries with GORM.
  3. Building RESTful APIs using the Gin framework.
  4. Calculating dynamic costs with time-based pricing and constraints.
  5. Query optimization and API performance tuning.

🛠️ How to Run the Project


  • Install Go (1.19 or higher).
  • MySQL Database.
  • Git.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd gobikes
  2. Set up MySQL Database:

    • Import the provided gobikesdb.sql file.
  3. Update config.json (or .env) with database credentials:

        "DB_USER": "root",
        "DB_PASS": "password",
        "DB_NAME": "gobikes",
        "DB_HOST": "localhost",
        "DB_PORT": "3306"
  4. Run the server:

    go run main.go
  5. Test APIs using Postman or Curl.

🤝 Contributing

As this project is for learning purposes, contributions are welcome! Feel free to:

  • Report issues.
  • Suggest improvements.
  • Share ideas for new features.

📝 Acknowledgments

📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.
You’re free to use, modify, and distribute the code for learning purposes.

🎯 Future Enhancements

  • Implement a payment gateway for order payments.
  • Enhance cost calculation to include dynamic discounts and penalties.
  • Containerize the app using Docker for easy deployment.
  • Write unit tests to improve code quality.


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