As a Part of the coursework of CS421 at UIC, I am comparing the results of Pretrained Large Language Models, Finetuned LLMs, and traditional Machine Learning Algorithms in an effort to identify use cases where the expenditure of excess computational cost is not justified by the meagre increase in the model's performance.
I would recommend using conda.
Activate a python environment where pytorch is installed or create a new environment from scratch.
You can install PyTorch from the requirements.txt however, I would advise against it as the installation of PyTorch requires various personal modification based on your System's specs, GPU, etc.
Install it from here:
Once Pytorch is installed, or if you decide to install PyTorch from the requirements file, run the following:
If you have already installed Pytorch:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you haven't installed pytorch and your systems has a GPU:
pip install -r requirements-torch.txt
If you haven't installed pytorch and your systems doesn't have a GPU:
pip install -r requirements-torch-cpu.txt
once the requirements are set, you are free to run any of the notebooks.
The PreTrainedZeroShot is free to run without any complications and can be run anytime although it's runtime is quite heavy.
Before running the other, make sure to create a folder names 'Models' in order to store the models without any hassle and to run the entire notebook without interruptions
For the remaining two, in order to avoid repeated calculations and computations, there are two verions of each file.
For the Fine-tined Bert base model, there the FineTuningBertBase.ipynb which can be run to train the model which will automatically be stored in the created Models folder.
You need to run this notebook atleast once, and it will take approx 2-3* hours to run inclusing tokenization, training and testing.
Once this notebook runs succesfully, you will notice a .pth file in the Models folder, then you can use the ImportAndEvaluateFBert.ipynb which will directly IMport
While the Logistic regreesion model training in this case does not take a lot of time, the Doc2Vec model may end up taking 10-15 minutes to train. In order to avoid the repeated computations, you need to run the LogisticRegressionTrainVec.ipynb atleast once, after which a file titles d2v will have created itslef in the Models folder.
Henceforth, you can directly run the second file - LogisticRegressionLoadVec.ipynb which will directly import the loaded vectors.
Some common issues you may run into:
- CUDA Out of Memory: This may arise due to the difference in systems, there are various solutions to this:
- Try to decrease the batch size
- Insert torch.cuda.empty_cache() right before heavy computations
- restart the kernel
- Stop any other GPU-intensive processes.
- Library not found: Again, due to the varying nature of the requirements file, users may face this issue. Install whichever library is not being resolved with
conda install -c conda-forge <library-name>
conda install -c anaconda <library-name>
pip install <library-name>
- File Does not exist/ Path not found:
- Make sure you create the Models folder
- Make sure the file you're trying to read/ import is at the location specified and name of the file and folder is correct.
- In case you are using Google Colab, make sure the drive is mounted and the files exists in the appropriate location