a toolbox of light reid for fast feature extraction and search
- light-model: model distillation (3x faster feature extraction)
- light-feature: binary code learning (6x faster retrieval)
- light-search: coarse2fine search (2x faster retrieval)
it features
- easy switch between light and non-light reid
- simple modules for reid implementation
- implementations of state-of-the-art deep reid models
- [2020.11]: we support build with config files, making coding more simple. please refer bagtricks_buildwithconfigs
- [2020.08]: We release a toolbox of light-reid learning for faster inference, getting >30x faster speed.
- [2020.03]: We implement BagTricks and support IBN-Net, MSMT17, combineall, multi-dataset train. Please see branch version_py3.7_bot.
- [2019.03]: We give a clearn implemention of BagTricks with python2.7. Please see branch version_py2.7.
- [2020.07]: [ECCV'20] Our work about Fast ReID has been accepted by ECCV'20. (Paper, Code)
- [2020.03]: [CVPR'20] Our work about Occluded ReID has been accepted by CVPR'20. (Paper, Code).
- [2020.01]: [AAAI'20] Our work about RGB-Infrared(IR) ReID has been accepted by AAAI'20. (Paper, Code).
- [2019.10]: [ICCV'19] Our work about RGB-Infrared(IR) ReID has been accepted by ICCV'19. (Paper, Code).
- [2019.05]: We implement PCB and achieve better performance than the offical one. (Code)
# clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/wangguanan/light-reid.git
# create environment
cd light-reid
conda create -n lightreid python=3.7
conda activate lightreid
# install dependencies
pip install -r requirements
# install torch and torchvision (select the proper cuda version to suit your machine)
conda install pytorch==1.4.0 torchvision -c pytorch
# install faiss for stable search
conda install faiss-cpu -c pytorch
5 steps to implement a SOTA reid model
1 step to build a SOTA reid model with configs
- bagtricks, bagtricks_buildwithconfigs
- agw
- sbs (constructing)
- pcb (todo)
- mgn (todo)
Our light-reid partially refers open-sourced torch-reid and fast-reid, we thank their awesome contribution to reid community.
If you have any question about this reid toolbox, please feel free to contact me. E-mail: guan.wang0706@gmail.com