A Deep Network for Pan-sharpening with Enhanced Information Representation (TGRS 2020)
run test.py
- Step 1: download the h5 file or create your own h5 file according to it.
- Step 2: run P2MS_main.py and MS2P_main.py for P2MS and MS2P models
- Step 3: run spec_main.py and spat_main.py for spatial and spectral encoder and decoders
- Step 4: run spec_diff.py and spat_diff.py for unique channels
- Step 5: run main.py for training (2 GPUs are needed)
If this work is helpful, please cite it as:
title={SDPNet: A Deep Network for Pan-Sharpening With Enhanced Information Representation},
author={Xu, Han and Ma, Jiayi and Shao, Zhenfeng and Zhang, Hao and Jiang, Junjun and Guo, Xiaojie},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing},