This is the parent repository for the Full Stack Odin Book Final Project built for the Odin Project Curriculum.
The goal of the project was to build a clone of the social media platform Facebook implementing the core features of the platform, namely users, profiles, posts, "liking", "friending" and the news feed.
A restful API was built using ExpressJS and serves as the project's backend.
An intuitive User Interface was built using ReactJS and serves as the project's frontend.
- Project's Live Preview url -
- Project's Frontend Repository -
- Project's Backend Repository -
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- MongoDB
- ReactJS
- Tailwind CSS
- Cloudinary NodeJS
- Integration with a RESTful backend API
- Persistent Authentication using JWTs
- Customizing users profiles
- Friends CRUD operations (Adding Friends / Deleting Friends / Accepting Friend Requests / Rejecting Friend Requests)
- Posts CRUD operations (Adding Posts / Deleting Posts)
- Posts Comments CRUD operations (Adding Comments / Updating Comments / Deleting Comments)
- Intuitive User Interface
- Fully Responsive User Interface
To run the project locally :
- Access the project's frontend folder and run the following command to install the project's dependencies
npm install
- Run the following command to spin up a local development server
npm start
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to access a local version of the project's client
The API endpoints listed in the backend folder can be accessed through the hosted API on
The two main API endpoints are the POST endpoint and the POST