This is the repository for the Full Stack JavaScript Final Project built for the Odin Project.
The goal of the project was to replicate our favorite website as close as possible using the React JS framework for the frontend and the Firebase backend as a service platform for the backend.
The website that I chose to replicate is the website of the social media platform Instagram.
- Project's Live Preview url -
- Cloud Firestore
- Firebase Storage
- Firebase Authentication
- ReactJS
- Tailwind CSS
- Persistent Authentication using Firebase Authentication
- Creating / Deleting Posts
- Adding Post Comments
- Realtime User Search Interface
- Fully Responsive User Interface
To run the project locally :
- Access the project's root folder and run the following command to spin up a local development server :
npm start
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to access a local version of the project's client
Most of the backend Firebase functionality is included in custom React JS hooks in the hooks folder that lives within the src folder of the project.
The main Firebase custom hooks are the useFirestore and the useCollection hooks.
The useFirestore custom hook includes reusable functions to add, update and delete documents in the Cloud Firestore database.
The useCollection custom hook fetches all the documents of a given collection using realtime data.