Filament scaffold is a toolkiit for Filament Admin that simplifies the generation of resources. It can automatically generate models, resources, migration files, and more, creating corresponding forms and table views based on the database table. Filament scaffold aims to speed up development and reduce the time spent writing repetitive code.
- New feature: Database Relationship and foriegn key generator
Automatic Filament Resource Generation: Generates Filament resource files, including forms and table views, based on specified table names.
Support for Multiple Resource Types: Can generate models, migration files, factories, controllers, and more.
Dynamic Form Generation: Automatically generates form fields based on database table structure.
Seamless Integration with Laravel and Filament: Utilizes Laravel's Artisan commands and Filament's extension mechanism for efficient resource management.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require solution-forest/filament-scaffold
Then, you need to connect to the database in the .env file.
In your preject, app\Providers\Filament\xxxPanelProvider.php add this code:
use Solutionforest\FilamentScaffold\FilamentScaffoldPlugin;
public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel
return $panel
To publish the configuration file, use:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Solutionforest\FilamentScaffold\FilamentScaffoldServiceProvider" --tag="filament-scaffold-config"
You can turn to false to unable the form.
return [
'enabled' => false,
In your admin page will have a Scaffolds from. You can choose the table from the connected database or create other table in the form. Then, you can click the "Create" button to create the reesource, model or migration.
In the resource file, for the table, the table column type default is TextColumn. For the form, the type defualt is TextInput.
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.