Elastic Tools is an Apache Spark based command line tool which designed to execute export / import operations in a scalable and flexible fashion for ElasticSearch.
It supports different storage types like File System, HDFS, AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage and storage formats like Parquet, JSON and CSV by its nature.
Supported features:
Export (ElasticSearch -> Storage)
Export command reads data from given ElasticSearch index(es) and writes to a storage with a batch Spark job.
Option Description path Path of the storage system (required) es.index Name of the ElasticSearch index (required) es.nodes ElasticSearch hostname (required) es.port ElasticSearch port number (default: 9200) es.mapping.id Name of the id field in given dataset (default: id) format The storage format, parquet, json or csv (default: parquet) partitions Number of partitions to be used during the write operation (default: 10) compression Supported compression formats are gzip, bzip2, snappy (default: none) Example:
$ ./elastic-tool export "es.index=test/doc" "es.nodes=localhost" "path=/tmp/elastic" Starting export job with options: Map(es.index -> test/doc, es.nodes -> localhost, path -> /tmp/elastic) 2017-11-17 00:17:39 WARN SparkContext:66 - Support for Scala 2.10 is deprecated as of Spark 2.1.0 2017-11-17 00:17:39 WARN NativeCodeLoader:62 - Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable elastic options: Map(es.index -> test/doc, es.nodes.wan.only -> true, es.mapping.id -> id, pushdown -> true, es.nodes -> localhost) [Stage 1:> (0 + 4) / 10] Backup completed in 36862 ms
Import (ElasticSearch <- Storage)
Import command reads data from a storage and writes to ElasticSearch.
Option Description path Path of the storage system (required) es.index Name of the ElasticSearch index (required) es.nodes ElasticSearch hostname (required) es.port ElasticSearch port number (default: 9200) es.mapping.id Name of the id field in given dataset (default: id) format The storage format, parquet or json (default: parquet) partitions Number of partitions to be used during the read operation (default: 10) Example:
$ ./elastic-tool import "es.index=test/doc" "es.nodes=localhost" "path=/tmp/elastic" Starting restore job with options: Map(es.index -> test/doc, es.nodes -> localhost, path -> /tmp/elastic) 2017-11-17 00:19:09 WARN SparkContext:66 - Support for Scala 2.10 is deprecated as of Spark 2.1.0 2017-11-17 00:19:09 WARN NativeCodeLoader:62 - Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable elastic options: Map(es.index -> test/doc, es.nodes.wan.only -> true, es.mapping.id -> id, pushdown -> true, es.nodes -> localhost) Restore completed in 67540 ms