Kalman Filter implementation in Python using Numpy only in 30 lines.
Voice activity detection (VAD) toolkit including DNN, bDNN, LSTM and ACAM based VAD. We also provide our directly recorded dataset.
The project uses SVM to develop a room positioning system based on Room Impulse Response, reaching an accuracy of 99.29% in the room evaluation
The purpose of this code base is to add a specified signal-to-noise ratio noise from MUSAN dataset to a pure speech signal and to generate far-field speech data using room impulse response data fro…
Directional Room Impulse Response Machine Learning
Python loaders for many Real Room Impulse Response databases
Impulse response generation based on state-of-the-art geometric sound propagation engine.
This is the official implementation of our neural-network-based fast diffuse room impulse response generator (FAST-RIR) for generating room impulse responses (RIRs) for a given acoustic environment.
Room impulse response simulator using python