Easily spot authorization checks in Laravel
Mark usages of a variety of different Blade directives on your page, so you can easily spot missing authorization/auth/env checks. Especially helpful during review.
Supported directives:
composer require leuverink/blade-hints
'enabled' => env('BLADE_HINTS_ENABLED', app()->isLocal()),
'authorization_directives' => true,
'authorization_if_color' => '#fca5a5', // red-300
'authorization_else_color' => '#d8b4fe', // purple-300
'authentication_directives' => true,
'authentication_if_color' => '#fca5a5', // red-300
'authentication_else_color' => '#d8b4fe', // purple-300
'environment_directives' => true,
'environment_if_color' => '#fca5a5', // red-300
'guest_directives' => true,
'guest_if_color' => '#fca5a5', // red-300
composer lint # run all linters
composer fix # run all fixers
composer analyze # run static analysis
composer baseline # generate static analysis baseline
composer test # run test suite
composer build # bundle all assets
This package is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.