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gwenreynolds94 committed Oct 8, 2024
1 parent 17790e3 commit 6b0ac0c
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Showing 13 changed files with 4,614 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added BCB.ico
Binary file not shown.
1,618 changes: 1,618 additions & 0 deletions BCV2.ahk

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Binary file added BCV2.exe
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Lib/CustomLexer.dll
Binary file not shown.
144 changes: 144 additions & 0 deletions Lib/CustomSciLoad.ahk
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
* SciLoad uses the **LoadLibrary** function from **libloaderapi.h**
* to load the Scintilla DLL library and bind a method named **`SciAdd`**
* to the prototype of the global Gui class. **SciAdd** takes one
* argument, the options parameter associated with **`Gui.Add`**. The
* control returned from **SciAdd** owns a **`Send`** method used for
* sending messages directly to the control via DLL calls, which takes
* a *message*, optional *wparam*, and optional *lparam* as arguments.
* @param {`String`} _sci_dll If left blank, "Scintilla.dll" will be searched
* for in the current working directory.
* @param {`String`} _lex_dll If left blank, "CustomLexer.dll" will be searched
* for in the current working directory.
* @return {`Object`} Pointers to the Scintilla.dll and CustomLexer.dll libraries
* ReturnObj := {
* sci: 0x123456 ; scintilla.dll pointer
* lex: 0x654321 ; customlexer.dll pointer
* }
SciLoad(_sci_dll:="", _lex_dll:="") {
; Load Scintilla library and obtain pointer
_sci_pointer := DllCall( "LoadLibrary" ;
, "Str", !!_sci_dll ? _sci_dll : "Scintilla.dll" ;
, "Ptr" )

_lex_pointer := DllCall( "LoadLibrary" ;
, "Str", !!_sci_dll ? _sci_dll : "CustomLexer.dll" ;
, "Ptr" )
* Function to be attached to *`Gui.Prototype`*, allowing for a custom
* Scintilla control to be added with a **`Send`** method for sending
* messages to the control directly with DLL calls
SciAdd(_gui, _opts:="") {
ctrl := _gui.Add("Custom", "ClassScintilla " _opts)
ctrl.Send := SciCtrlSend
ctrl.Send(0, 0, 0, ctrl.Hwnd)
Return ctrl

; Set SciAdd method for global Gui class
Gui.Prototype.SciAdd := SciAdd

; Return pointer to Scintilla library
Return { sci: _sci_pointer, lex: _lex_pointer }

* SciFree uses the **FreeLibrary** function from **libloaderapi.h** in System Services
* @param {`Object`} _pointers Pointers to the Scintilla.dll and CustomLexer.dll libraries
SciFree(_pointers) {
FileAppend("Freeing the Scintilla.dll Library...`n", "*")

DllCall("FreeLibrary", "Ptr", _pointers.sci)

FileAppend("Freeing the custom lexer dll library...`n", "*")

DllCall("FreeLibrary", "Ptr", _pointers.lex)

* Retrieve direct references to a Scintilla function and pointer and store
* them in static variables so as to avoid the overhead associated with
* using SendMessage. The hwnd is stored in a static variable after first
* usage (and subsequents).
* @param {Int} _msg
* @param {UInt} _wparam
* @param {UInt} _lparam
* @param {hWnd} _hwnd
SciSend(_msg, _wparam:=0, _lparam:=0, _hwnd:="") {
static _init := False
, _DirectFunction := ""
, _DirectPointer := ""
if !_init and _hwnd {
_init := True
_DirectFunction := SendMessage(_SCI_GETDIRECTFUNCTION, 0, 0,, "ahk_id " _hwnd)
_DirectPointer := SendMessage(_SCI_GETDIRECTPOINTER , 0, 0,, "ahk_id " _hwnd)
} else if !_init and !_hwnd
Return DllCall(_DirectFunction
, "UInt", _DirectPointer
, "Int" , _msg
, "UInt", _wparam
, "UInt", _lparam)

* If **_hwnd** is present and the *`_DirectFunction`* or *`_DirectPointer`*
* property is not already set for **_ctrl**, a direct reference to a
* Scintilla function and pointer are retrieved and stored as said
* properties of **_ctrl**. Subsequent calls use the function and pointer
* to send messages via DLL calls to the Scintilla ctrl without the
* overhead associated with SendMessage.
* This function is meant to be bound to a *`Gui.Custom`* Scintilla control,
* and as such would pass a hidden **this** variable
* into the first parameter (**_ctrl**), leaving only the remaining
* parameters to be passed when calling.
* @param {Gui.Custom} _ctrl
* @param {Any} _msg
* @param {Integer} _wparam
* @param {Integer} _lparam
* @param {Hwnd} _hwnd
SciCtrlSend(_ctrl, _msg, _wparam:=0x00, _lparam:=0x00, _hwnd:=0x00) {

; Check for existence of function/pointer properties in _ctrl
if !(_ctrl.HasOwnProp("_DirectFunction")) or !(_ctrl.HasOwnProp("_DirectPointer"))
_init := false
else _init := true

; If properties aren't initialized, do so
if (!_init and _hwnd) {
_ctrl.DefineProp("_DirectFunction", {
Value: SendMessage(_SCI_GETDIRECTFUNCTION, 0, 0,, "ahk_id " _hwnd)
_ctrl.DefineProp("_DirectPointer", {
Value: SendMessage(_SCI_GETDIRECTPOINTER , 0, 0,, "ahk_id " _hwnd)
} else if (!_init and !_hwnd) { ; properties do not exist and cannot be set

; Send message to Scintilla control
Return DllCall( _ctrl._DirectFunction
, "UInt", _ctrl._DirectPointer
, "Int", _msg
, "UInt", _wparam
, "UInt", _lparam )
154 changes: 154 additions & 0 deletions Lib/DetectComputer.ahk
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@

Class __PC {
static name := '',
monitors := Map()

static __New() { := (A_ComputerName ~= 'DESKTOP-B2B2M4P') ? 'primary' :
(A_ComputerName ~= 'DESKTOP-JJTV8BS') ? 'secondary' :
(A_ComputerName ~= 'DESKTOP-HJ4S4Q2') ? 'laptop' : 'unknown'

static RefreshMonitors(_force:=False) {
loop (mcnt := MonitorGetCount()) {
if !!this.monitors.Has(A_Index) and !_force
; wa := MonitorGetWorkArea(A_Index, &_l, &_t, &_r, &_b)
this.monitors[A_Index] := __PC.__Monitor(A_Index)

; static IsPointOnMonitor(_point_x, _point_y, _N) {
; this.RefreshMonitors()
; if !!this.monitors[_N].HasPoint[_point_x, _point_y]
; return true
; return false
; }

static MonitorWithPoint[_x,_y] {
get {
for _N, _mon in this.monitors
if !!_mon.HasPoint[_x, _y]
return _N
return False

static MonitorWithMouse {
get {
if (mcnt := MonitorGetCount()) = 1
return 1
MouseGetPos(&_x, &_y)
for _N, _mon in this.monitors
if !!_mon.HasPoint[_x, _y]
return _N
return False

static MonitorWithFocus {
get {
if (mcnt := MonitorGetCount()) = 1
return 1
WinGetPos(&_x, &_y, &_w, &_h, WinExist("A"))
cx := _x + (_w // 2)
cy := _y + (_h // 2)
if !!this.monitors[1].HasFocus[true]
return 1
if (this.monitors.Count > 1) and !!this.monitors[2].HasFocus[true]
return 2
if (this.monitors.Count > 2) and !!this.monitors[3].HasFocus[true]
return 3
if (this.monitors.Count > 3)
Loop (this.monitors.Count - 3)
if !!this.monitors[A_Index].HasFocus[false]
return this.monitors[A_Index]._N
return False

Class __Monitor {
_N := 0,
l := left := 0,
r := right := 0,
t := top := 0,
b := bottom := 0,
w := width := 0,
h := height := 0

__New(_N) {

* @prop {number} HasPoint `boolean`
* @param {number} _px
* @param {number} _py
HasPoint[_px, _py] {
get {
if (_px < this.l) or
(_py < this.t) or
(_px >= this.r) or
(_py >= this.b)
return false
return True

* @prop {number} HasMouse `boolean`
HasMouse {
get {
MouseGetPos(&_mx, &_my)
if this.HasPoint(_mx, _my)
return true
return false

* @prop {number} HasFocus `boolean`
* @param {number} _force run `WinGetPos` to update window position.
* otherwise it returns the last calculation made
HasFocus[_force:=true] {
get {
GetWindowPosition(_force_update) {
static x := 0, y := 0, w := 0, h := 0, first_pass := true
if !!_force_update or !!first_pass
WinGetPos(&_wx, &_wy, &_ww, &_wh, WinExist('A')),
x := _wx, y := _wy, w := _ww, h := _wh
return {x: x, y: y, w: w, h: h}
first_pass := false
active_win_pos := GetWindowPosition(_force)
cx := active_win_pos.x + (active_win_pos.w // 2)
cy := active_win_pos.y + (active_win_pos.h // 2)
if !!this.HasPoint[cx, cy]
return true
return false

UpdateWorkingArea(_N?) {
this._N := _N ?? this._N
wa := MonitorGetWorkArea(this._N, &_l, &_t, &_r, &_b)
if not wa
throw ValueError("Tried to create an instance of __Monitor " .
"using an out-of-bounds monitor number" )
this.l := this.left := _l,
this.r := this.right := _r,
this.t := := _t,
this.b := this.bottom := _b,
this.w := this.width := (_r - _l),
this.h := this.height := (_b - _t)
return this
Binary file added Lib/LexAHKL.dll
Binary file not shown.
97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions Lib/OGSciLoad.ahk
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@

SciLoad(_dll_path:="SciLexer.dll") {
_sci_pointer := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", _dll_path, "Ptr")
Gui.Prototype.SciAdd := ((_gui, _opts:="")=>_SciBase(_gui, _opts))
Return _sci_pointer

SciFree(_sci_pointer) {
FileAppend("Freeing the Scintilla.dll Library...`n", "*")

DllCall("FreeLibrary", "Ptr", _sci_pointer)

Class _SciBase {
Static Default := {
Options: {
x: 5,
y: 5,
w: 450,
h: 250,
Style: 0x40000000 | 0x00010000, ; WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP
Visible: False,
ExStyle: 0x00000200, ; WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
GuiID: 311210
Options := {
x: 5,
y: 5,
w: 450,
h: 250,
Style: 0x40000000 | 0x00010000, ; WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP
Visible: False,
ExStyle: 0x00000200, ; WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
GuiID: 311210

/* @prop {Gui} gui */
gui := {}
__New(_gui, _opts:="") {
Global sNul := ""
, iNul := 0
if (IsObject(_opts))
for _prop, _def in _opts.OwnProps()
if (this.Options.HasOwnProp(_prop))
this.Options.%_prop% := _def
this.gui := _gui
Init() {
WStyle := ( (!!this.Options.Visible) ;
? (this.Options.Style | 0x10000000) ; <Style> | WS_VISIBLE
: this.Options.Style ) ;
this.hwnd := DllCall("CreateWindowEx" ; -------------
,"Uint", this.Options.ExStyle ; Ex Style
,"Str", "Scintilla" ; Class Name
,"Str", sNul ; Window Name
,"UInt", WStyle ; Window Styles
,"Int", this.Options.x ; x
,"Int", this.Options.y ; y
,"Int", this.Options.w ; Width
,"Int", this.Options.h ; Height
,"UInt", this.gui.Hwnd ; Parent HWND
,"UInt", this.Options.GuiID ; (HMENU)GuiID
,"UInt", iNul ; hInstance
,"UInt", iNul, "UInt") ; lpParam
this.Send(iNul, iNul, iNul, this.hwnd)
Return this.hwnd
Send(_msg, _wparam:=0x00, _lparam:=0x00, _hwnd:=0x00) {
, _DirectFunction := 0x0, _DirectPointer := 0x0
, _init := False
; If properties aren't initialized, do so
if (!_init and _hwnd) {
_DirectFunction := SendMessage(_SCI_GETDIRECTFUNCTION, 0, 0,, "ahk_id " _hwnd)
_DirectPointer := SendMessage(_SCI_GETDIRECTPOINTER , 0, 0,, "ahk_id " _hwnd)
_init := True
} else if (!_init and !_hwnd) { ; properties do not exist and cannot be set
; Send message to Scintilla control
Return DllCall( _DirectFunction
, "UInt", _DirectPointer
, "Int", _msg
, "UInt", _wparam
, "UInt", _lparam )

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