Examples using EthersJS library to communicate with the Ethererum blockchain. In this project I've used Ganache to run a local blockchain, you can find more information here: https://trufflesuite.com/ganache/
- EthersJS https://docs.ethers.io
- Dotenv https://www.npmjs.com/package/dotenv
- Infura (create a free account) https://infura.io
- Clone the repository.
- Install dependencies using:
yarn install
- Add variable INFURA_PROJECT_ID on
1-account-balance.js read account balance: run the command below passing the account address as a arg:
yarn accountBalance 0x2D3117C2B6b1bE0B2d93CE27622458Be0BE5C9f0
2-read-smart-contracts.js read smart contract: run the command below passing the contract address as a arg:
yarn accountBalance 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F
3-send-signed-transactions.js send signed transaction: send ether to a recipent account using Kovan Test Network. To receive some ethers to make tests, go to the website https://faucets.chain.link/ choose the network and paste your account address.
yarn sendSignedTransaction
The link below shows the result of the transaction. https://kovan.etherscan.io/tx/0x5657d898ef7f1f86dd2553d0520eebe6e9dba8e1ce346e4754773869624f1acaAaa
- 4-write-contract transfer amount from one account to another: transfer ChainLink token (LINK) from one account to another using the Chainlink contract. To receive some LINK tokens to make this test, go to the website https://faucets.chain.link/ choose the network and paste your account address.
yarn writeContract
The link below shows the result of the transaction. https://kovan.etherscan.io/tx/0x4fc0550057783d18b832b4f8d058b484154197ce930a7a6a2d551e5adada964e
- 5-contract-event-stream get events emited from specific blocks: get events emitted from 10 latest blocks when some "Transfer" event happen. In this example is used the mainnet of Ethereum.
yarn contractEvents