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File metadata and controls

218 lines (151 loc) · 12.9 KB

What are the inputs or Sopa?

You need the raw inputs of your machine, that is:

  • One or multiple image(s), usually corresponding to one or multiple .tiff file(s)

  • Optionally, a file of transcript location, usually a .csv or .parquet file

In this documentation, data_path denotes the path to your raw data. Select the correct tab below to understand what is the right path to your raw data:

=== "Xenium" data_path is the path to the directory containing the following files: morphology.ome.tif, experiment.xenium and transcripts.parquet. In brief, you should have this file structure:

├─ morphology_focus.ome.tif   # or a directory (for recent versions of the Xenium)
├─ experiment.xenium
└─ transcripts.parquet

=== "MERSCOPE" data_path is the path to the "region" directory containing a detected_transcripts.csv file and an images directory. For instance, the directory may be called region_0. In brief, you should have this file structure:

├─ detected_transcripts.csv
└─ images
   ├─ mosaic_{stain}_z{z_layer}.tif
   └─ micron_to_mosaic_pixel_transform.csv

=== "CosMX" data_path is the path to the directory containing:

- a transcript file `*_tx_file` (with columns `target`, `x_global_px`, `y_global_px`)
- a FOV locations file `*_fov_positions_file` (with columns `FOV`, `X_mm`, `Y_mm`)
- a `Morphology_ChannelID_Dictionary.txt` file containing channel names
- a `Morphology2D` directory containing the images, end in `_F*.TIF`.

These files must be exported as flat files in AtomX. That is: within a study, click on "Export" and then select files from the "Flat CSV Files" section (transcripts flat and FOV position flat). You should have this file structure:

├─ <DATASET_ID>_tx_file.csv (or csv.gz)
├─ <DATASET_ID>_fov_positions_file.csv (or csv.gz)
├─ Morphology_ChannelID_Dictionary.txt
└─ Morphology2D
   ├─ XXX_F001.TIF
   ├─ XXX_F002.TIF
   └─ ...

=== "MACSima" data_path is the path to the directory containing multiple .ome.tif files (one file per channel). In brief, you should have this file structure:

├─ AAA.ome.tif
├─ BBB.ome.tif
└─ CCC.ome.tif

=== "PhenoCycler" data_path is the path to one .qptiff file, or one .tif file (if exported from QuPath). === "Hyperion" data_path is path to the directory containing multiple .ome.tiff files (one file per channel). In brief, you should have this file structure: txt . ├─ AAA.ome.tiff ├─ BBB.ome.tiff └─ CCC.ome.tiff === "Others (CZI, ...)" Other file formats (ND2, CZI, LIF, or DV) are supported via the aicsimageio reader. In that case, you'll need to add new dependencies: pip install aicsimageio (and, for CZI data, also pip install aicspylibczi).

This reader is called `aicsimageio`, i.e. you can use it via ``, where `data_path` is the path to your data file containing your image(s). For the Snakemake pipeline, provide `aicsimageio` as a `technology` in the config file.

How to disable the auto-save?

When using the API, and when your SpatialData object is saved on-disk, Sopa will automatically save any new spatial element on disk by default. To disable this behavior, use the following command from the API:

sopa.settings.auto_save_on_disk = False

How to parallelize segmentation?

Some steps of Sopa, notably the segmentation, can be accelerated via a parallelization backend. If you use the API, you can set the "dask" backend as below.

# when using the API
sopa.settings.parallelization_backend = "dask"

Otherwise, if you don't use the API, you can also set the SOPA_PARALLELIZATION_BACKEND env variable, e.g.:


!!! warning The dask backend is still experimental. You can add a comment to this issue to help us improve it.

You can also pass some kwargs to the dask Client as below. These kwargs are highly dependent of your cluster and the size of your patches. For "middle-size" patches, we recommend about 4GB of memory per worker for cellpose, and between 8GB and 16GB or memory for baysor.

sopa.settings.dask_client_kwargs["n_workers"] = 4

For testing purposes, you can run the lines below, which will show you how many workers and memory you have by default:

from dask.distributed import Client

client = Client()

n_workers = len(client.cluster.workers)
mem_worker0 = client.cluster.workers[0].memory_manager.memory_limit / 1024**3

print(f"{n_workers=}, {mem_worker0=:.3}GB")

Which pipeline parameters should I use?

Some parameters such as the Cellpose diameter is crucial and depends highly on the resolution of your technology (pixel size). As a guide, you can start from the parameters of the config files of your specific technology, and adjust them based on your knowledge of the tissue you work on.

Here are some parameters which are important to check: diameter (in pixels for cellpose), min_area (in pixels^2 for cellpose, in microns^2 for baysor), scale (in microns for baysor), pixel_size (for the Xenium Explorer conversion, to have the right scale during display).

How to filter genes?

By default, we remove some genes names during segmentation and aggregation (for instance, "blank" or "unassigned" gene names). To change this behavior, you can update the gene pattern under sopa.settings.gene_exclude_pattern (this pattern is used by pandas.Series.str.match).

You can also decide not to remove some specific low quality transcripts for segmenation. To do that, create a (boolean) column called "low_quality_transcript" to your transcript dataframe. The rows whose value is True will not be used during segmentation. For instance, if you have Xenium data, you can filter the genes based on a QV value of 20.

df = sdata["transcripts"]
df["low_quality_transcript"] = df.qv < 20

How does Sopa know when using which elements?

Many functions of Sopa can run without any argument. For instance, sopa.aggregate(sdata) works for very different technologies, such as VisiumHD, MERSCOPE, or MACSima data.

Internally, when reading the raw data, Sopa saves some attributes inside sdata.attrs. These attributes are then used to know which spatial element corresponds to what. For instance, one H&E image may be tagged for tissue segmentation, while the DAPI image will be tagged to be used for cellpose.

Sopa handles this internally by default, and it is completely invisible to the user. But, to get a full control on what is done, you can always set some arguments to specify which element to be used. You can refer to the following arguments of the API: image_key, points_key, shapes_key, bins_key, and table_key.

How to remove cells artifacts?

When segmenting a patch that is outside of the issue, Cellpose may "hallucinate" and generate some fake cells. To avoid that, you can run sopa.segmentation.tissue to ensure segmentation is always run inside the tissue.

Otherwise, if you have inside the tissue some small cells artefacts, Sopa offers three filtering approaches:

  • Using a min_area threshold to remove small cells (provide this argument to the segmentation methods).
  • A min_transcripts threshold to remove cells with a low transcript count (provide this argument to the aggregation step).
  • A min_intensity_ratio value to remove cells with a low fluorescence intensity (provide this argument to the aggregation step).

How to get more cells with Cellpose?

  • The main Cellpose parameter to check is diameter, i.e. a typical cell diameter in pixels. Note that this is highly specific to the technology you're using since the micron-to-pixel ratio can differ. We advise you to start with the default parameter for your technology of interest (see the diameter parameter inside our config files here).
  • Maybe min_area is too high, and all the cells are filtered because they are smaller than this area. Remind that, when using Cellpose, the areas correspond to pixels^2.
  • This can be due to a low image quality. If the image is too pixelated, consider increasing gaussian_sigma (e.g., 2) under the cellpose parameters of our config. If the image has a low contrast, consider increasing clip_limit (e.g., 0.3). These parameters are detailed in this example config.
  • Consider updating the official Cellpose parameters. In particular, try cellprob_threshold=-6 and flow_threshold=2.

How to use a custom Cellpose model?

You can use any existing Cellpose model with the model_type argument (via the API, CLI, or Snakemake pipeline). For the Snakemake pipeline, see here how to set this argument. If you have a custom pretrained model, use the pretrained_model argument instead of model_type, and give the path to your cellpose model.

How to provide other arguments to Cellpose?

When using the Snakemake pipeline, you can use method_kwargs to provide extra arguments to Cellpose. For instance, we use resample=False in the example below, which may significantly speed up the segmentation while not decreasing significantly the segmentation quality:

    diameter: 60
    channels: ["DAPI"]
    flow_threshold: 2
    cellprob_threshold: -6
    min_area: 2000
      resample: False

How to use a prior cell segmentation?

If you have MERSCOPE or Xenium data, you probably already have a cell segmentation. This can be used as a prior for Baysor, instead of running Cellpose with Sopa. For that, you have an existing config file for the Snakemake pipeline for both MERSCOPE and Xenium data. If using the API/CLI, consider using the prior_shapes_key and the unassigned_value arguments when creating the patches for the transcripts. For MERSCOPE data, prior_shapes_key="cell_id" and unassigned_value=-1. For Xenium data, prior_shapes_key="cell_id" and unassigned_value="UNASSIGNED". You can also decide to run Cellpose via Sopa, and then use it as a prior: in that case, simply pass prior_shapes_key="cellpose_boundaries" after running cellpose.

How to optimize the segmentation parameters?

Selecting the right parameters for Cellpose/Baysor can significantly improve the output data quality. To choose these parameters, we recommend subsetting the data (spatialdata.bounding_box_query), saving the subset (sdata.write("subset.zarr")), running different segmentation on the subset (use key_added to save the segmentation with a specific name), and compare the results. Refer to this tutorial for an example.

How to provide dictionnaries to CLI arguments?

Some CLI arguments are optionnal dictionnaries. For instance, sopa convert has a --kwargs option. In that case, a dictionnary can be provided as an inline string, for instance:

--kwargs "{'backend': 'rioxarray'}"

How to fix an "out-of-memory" issue on MERSCOPE data?

If using MERSCOPE data, images can be huge. To improve RAM efficiency, you can install rioxarray (pip install rioxarray). Then, the rioxarray will be used by default by the reader (no change needed, it will be detected automatically).

What about Nextflow?

Nextflow is not supported yet, but we are working on it. You can also help re-write our Snakemake pipeline for Nextflow (see issue #7).

How to remove the logs?

You can change the level of logging for sopa, e.g. you can run the lines below to set the logging level to show only errors:

import sopa


How to ask for help?

If you have an issue that is not detailed in this FAQ, you can still open an issue on Sopa's Github repository, and detail your issue with as much precision as possible for the maintainers to be able to reproduce it.

Make sure to have a quick look to the existing issues, maybe someone faced the same problem.