Unicorn Rentals AWS GameDay microservices
A Fargate service that reverses text. Example becomes elpmaxE. This microservice also gets details about your team at runtime from SSM Parameter Store, for signing its messages.
The container repository: 753600854378.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/unicorn-service-reverser:latest
A default 'reverser' fargate task definition is already configured with the above repository, using the ":latest" tag.
- Go to the AWS ECS Console.
- In the 'UnicornFargateCluster' Cluster, run a new task using the "reverser" (this points to the correct container repository).
- Make sure you create a SecurityGroup that allows port 80
- When task is running, click its task id, to get its public IP. That is your reverser services endpoint.
We have reports the container can crash, however you may be able to troubleshoot this with Cloudwatch Logs and Amazon Xray. You can also look at error/warning logging with Cloudwatch Insights using with:
fields @timestamp, status, message | filter status not like /info/ | sort @timestamp desc | limit 20
Fargate pulls the container from the VPC you connect it to. If you get error "CannotPullContainerError: API error (500):" validate your VPC internet connectivity.