Rest Api and gRPC Api for vehicle's location registers
This Api was compiled in Debian GNU/Linux using CMake and gcc, with the libraries CppRest SDK (Casablanca) for the Rest Api, gRPC library for de gRPC APi and Google Test C++ for unit test grpc.
Compile using de bash script
from the directory Api-restgrpc-vehicle
To run the servers use the command
./ "parameter"
from the directory Api-restgrpc-vehicle where parameter is "test" to run the unit test and "prod" to run the servers
To run the docker image extract de gzip file and run the command to run the tests
sudo docker run -p 34568:34568 -p 34569:34569 -e "type_env=test" --name rg api-restgrpc-vehicle:1.0
To run the server from docker image run the command
sudo docker run -p 34568:34568 -p 34569:34569 -e "type_env=prod" --name rg api-restgrpc-vehicle:1.0
To stop and remove the container
sudo docker container stop rg
sudo docker container rm --force rg
Rest server listens on and acepts requests methods POST, PUT and DELETE.
Inserts Vehicle at ==> method POST
Retrieve vehicle by ID at ==> method POST
Update vehicle's location by ID at ==> method PUT
Get a list of vehicles at a given location at ==> method POST
Delete a vehicle by ID at ==> method DELETE
gRPC server listens on and acepts requests gRPC ==> you have to create a client gRPC including the file handlergrpc.grpc.pb.h
#include "path_to_file/handlergrpc.grpc.pb.h"
And create request using the following fuctions
Inserts Vehicle at ==> function sendRequestInsert
Retrieve vehicle by ID at ==> function sendRequestGetByID
Update vehicle's location by ID at ==> function sendRequestLocation
Get a list of vehicles at a given location at ==> function sendRequestGetByArea
Delete a vehicle by ID at ==> function sendRequestDelete
A test client has been included in this repository