This is a repository for discussions around research team best practices following the Openscapes Champions Program. All input/feedback is encouraged!
As the Openscapes program progresses we will meet as a team every other week to go over what was covered in the Openscapes lesson. Each section will be documented using Issues.
As part of this project we will publish a lab manual and code of conduct that can be hosted online as a resource for current and future research team members.
That documentation can be found here: GMRI Research Team Lab Manual
Beginning on April 7, 2022 this group will meet the first Thursday of each month from 9-10AM. The following is a tentative schedule with lots of flexibility to reschedule topics based on the group's needs. Anyone wishing to lead a meeting should contact the organizers.
03/24/22: Creating functions in R (template here) - Adam and Amanda
04/07/22: Building R packages - Adam and Amanda
05/05/22: Apply skills from last 2 meetings and get comfortable with GitHub - Adam and Amanda
06/02/22: Tips & tools to make coding & open data science more accessible - Adam (autogenerating tabs in Rmarkdown), Jamie (extracting in-text citations), Jerelle (Rmarkdown visual editor).
07/07/22: Apply functions (Short intro to apply functions) and data wrangling with purrr (Purrr cheat sheet)
08/04/22: Science communication tools & tricks: hosting Rmd html output on GitHub, creating Github README profiles(instructions, examples, README generator), adding spinner as figures load in shiny, viridis color scales and checking plots for colorblind interpretation, creating slides in xaringan
09/01/22: Introduction to quarto - Adam and Amanda
10/06/22: Jerelle & Zach share bigeye tuna microchemistry standardization work
11/03/22: Mapping for the 30daymap challenge, shared resources included TidyTuesday datasets for plotting, a map of Westeros, and a cool tutorial for 3D maps in rayshader
12/01/22: Kat and Carly share a Canva tutorial & holiday shenanigans
02/02/23: Troubleshooting table formatting - Jamie
03/03/23: Child documents in Rmarkdown - Jerelle
04/06/23: Reverse engineering figures - Miguel
05/04/23: Google Cloud & Google compute engine R - Andrew: profvis tool for visualizing computation time across different pieces of code, good for Shiny app tuning, Docker example from Andrew here,
06/01/23: Websites! - Amanda
07/06/23: Change point analysis - Jamie, Miguel, Kanae
08/03/23: Debugging - Jerelle
09/07/23: TBD
10/05/23: TBD
11/02/23: TBD
12/07/23: TBD