Apache Teaclave (incubating) SGX SDK helps developers to write Intel SGX applications in the Rust programming language, and also known as Rust SGX SDK.
An Open-Source Pre and Post Callback-Based Framework for macOS Kernel Monitoring.
Siguza / ios-kern-utils
Forked from saelo/ios-kern-utilsiOS Kernel utilities
small proof of concept gui for auditing iOS applications based on objection
Dump privileged ARM system registers from usermode using variant 3a of Meltdown
Proteas / afl-ios
Forked from innovimax/afl-1Unofficial American Fuzzy Lop repo
Python scriptable Reverse Engineering Sandbox, a Virtual Machine instrumentation and inspection framework based on QEMU
Playing with the Tigress software protection. Break some of its protections and solve their reverse engineering challenges. Automatic deobfuscation using symbolic execution, taint analysis and LLVM.
Tiny cute emulator plugin for IDA based on unicorn.
iOS/macOS/Linux Remote Administration Tool
VMware Escape Exploit before VMware WorkStation 12.5.5
Short, unrelated helper scripts for users of AFL (the fuzzer)
IDA pro plugin to find crypto constants (and more)
Experimental block-based swizzling API for Objective-C
Multi-level network clustering based on the Map Equation
Some setup scripts for security research tools.
codesign bypass (get out of rop without JIT)