A strong typed version of Colfer serialization/deserialization for Python.
First install with PyPi
pip install colf
Then use it to construct a Colfer Object and use it:
from colf import Colfer
class TestType(Colfer):
def __init__(self):
super(Colfer, self).__init__()
self.declareAttribute('radius', 'float64')
self.declareAttribute('test', 'bool')
self.declareAttribute('inner', 'object')
def marshall(self, byteOutput, offset=0):
offset = self.marshallFloat64(self.radius, 0, byteOutput, offset)
offset = self.marshallBool(self.test, 1, byteOutput, offset)
offset = self.marshallObject(self.inner, 2, byteOutput, offset)
return offset
def unmarshall(self, byteInput, offset=0):
self.radius, offset = self.unmarshallFloat64(0, byteInput, offset)
self.test, offset = self.unmarshallBool(1, byteInput, offset)
self.inner, offset = self.unmarshallObject(2, byteInput, offset)
return self, offset
# Write to Somewhere
exampleObject = TestType()
exampleObject.radius = 2.5
exampleObject.test = True
exampleObject.inner = TestType()
exampleObject.inner.radius = 3.0
byteOutput = bytearray(30)
length = exampleObject.marshall(byteOutput)
# Read from Somewhere
deserializedObject, _ = TestType().unmarshall(byteOutput[:length])
print(deserializedObject, deserializedObject.inner)
pip install tox
The code was tested on Python 2.7, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8.
This code has been tested on Little-Endian machines only. It requires to be tested on other architectures such as PowerPC, or those with unique floating point formats.
Also, there may be chances this code may not work on some Python version due to nuances not previously uncovered.
Please volunteer to test it on as many exotic computers, OSes and send in your patches (or) bug reports.