Solyd Offensive Security
- Brasil
- https://solyd.com.br
django-anuncios Public
Simples site de anúncios feito em Django para fins educacionais
update_security_group Public
Update a AWS Security Group to use your current public IP
python-lambda-layers Public
Pre-compiled Python Packages for AWS Lambda Layers
free-programming-books Public
Forked from EbookFoundation/free-programming-books📚 Freely available programming books
dnsbrute Public
Simple subdomain DNS bruteforcing in Python
validate_cpf_cnpj Public
A simple pure Pyhton 3 function to validate CNPJ
python-profissional Public
Repositório para arquivos do curso Solyd Python Profissional
youtube-br-desenvolvimento Public
Forked from lucasgomide/videos-pt.br-tecnologiaRepositório de canais no Youtube BR sobre desenvolvimento
py_ransomware Public
A simple Ransomware PoC in Python for educational purposes.
telegram-br Public
Forked from alexmoreno/telegram-brUma lista de vários grupos de telegram pra nós, nerdões, não nos sentirmos tão só.
django Public
Forked from django/djangoThe Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
py_udp_flood Public
A simple UDP flooder coded in Python 2.7
scantime_py_crypter Public
A Scantime Crypter coded in Python 2.7
Forked from OWASP/OWASP-VWADThe OWASP Vulnerable Web Applications Directory Project (VWAD) is a comprehensive and well maintained registry of all known vulnerable web applications currently available.
wiki Public
Forked from pythonbrasil/wikiSite python.org.br estático com Pelican
code-of-conduct Public
Forked from bolhaverso/condutaCode of conduct to help Telegram IT group members
django-storages-s3upload Public
Forked from mattaustin/django-storages-s3uploadDirect (client-side) HTTP POST file upload to S3 using Django forms/views.
buffer_overflow_py27 Public
A buffer overflow exploit example in Python 2. For educational porpouses by Guilherme Junqueira Security Analyst at Solyd https://solyd.com.br/treinamentos
py_keylogger Public
A simple Keylogger in Python 2. For educational porpouses by Guilherme Junqueira Security Analyst at Solyd https://solyd.com.br/treinamentos
py_trojan Public
A simple Trojan with Reverse Concection in Python 2. For educational porpouses by Guilherme Junqueira Security Analyst at Solyd https://solyd.com.br/treinamentos
sqli_scan Public
A simple sqli vuln scan for error based sqli in Python 2. For educational porpouses by Guilherme Junqueira Security Analyst at Solyd https://solyd.com.br/treinamentos
email_finder Public
A simple email colector from web in Python 2. For educational porpouses by Guilherme Junqueira Security Analyst at Solyd https://solyd.com.br/treinamentos
html_parser Public
A html parser in Python 2 with BS4. For educational porpouses by Guilherme Junqueira Security Analyst at Solyd https://solyd.com.br/treinamentos
web_crawler Public
A simple web crawler tool in Python 2. For educational porpouses by Guilherme Junqueira Security Analyst at Solyd https://solyd.com.br/treinamentos