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Releases: guanghaofan/SapphireProgramReader

Sapphire Program Reader Rev1.0

19 Oct 13:56
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left pane
action list--->all the actions in the test program
project explorer--->all the files in the test program
files search--->very fast to find any xml file you are interested in

main pane
flow tree of the action list which are choosed in left pane action list
quick link to the test node, flow node, source file, flowcontext and flow override control

right pane
node informatinon--->flow context and node result and decision
equation context display--->the full equation tree and the variables are evaluated, shortcut to the equation file
test context display--->full test tree and most of the elements can be accessed, e.g. test node file, timming and levels, pattern burst and test description
search--->fase search engine for most of the elements