Caution! This is Work-in-progress and is not production ready yet.
Consul generated templates.
This is an opinated template renderer written in nodejs. Heavily based on consul-template.
At the moment it only supports nunjucks templates but others can be easy integrated.
npm install
docker run -d --name node-consul-template gtrias/node-consul-template
npm start
The templates to be rendered and the command to run after successful generated template can be configured in a json file (or environment variable).
Configuration anatomy:
"templates": [
"source": "templates/haproxy.cnf.njk", // Nunjunks template
"path": "dump", // Path where the generated template will be rendered
"filename": "haproxy.cfg", // Filename for generated template
"command": "/usr/bin/haproxy -D -p /var/run/ -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " // Command to run after configuration generation
"source": "templates/",
"path": "dump/",
"filename": "",
"command": "dump/"
The included template expects you define your services adding the next tags in key=value format. Consul doesn't support key-value attributes yet (See status) so this is a workaround to allow define container configuration using tags.
If you are using gliderlabs/registrator, then you can define your tags as follow environment:
image: emilevauge/whoami
- 80
- VIRTUAL_HOST: will be used to configure haproxy to listen that host
- SSL_VIRTUAL_HOST: will be used to configure haproxy SSL host to listen.
- SSL_EMAIL: will be used to configure SSL contact email needed by letsencrypt.
This template reders a .sh
script to execute cerbot for all services containing SSL_VIRTUAL_HOST and SSL_EMAIL.
It is inspired on phylor/letsencrypt-consul
To start Playground just run docker-compose as follows:
docker-compose up
Once all containers are running you will see all related services logs
Then you can send requests to whoami as follows:
watch curl -H<port>
Note: By default docker-compose will not expose anything to 80 port so you will have to run docker ps
to see which port is set to the consul-template-haproxy container...
You can see how the results are changing indicating that each request is propertly balanced.
Keep watching the results of above curl and run the next command.
docker stop nodeconsultemplate_whoami_1
Then you can see how no request arrives to that container (you can check this seeing the id)
Same as before, we will start again the same container:
docker start nodeconsultemplate_whoami_1
This container is prepared to be a wrapper of other containers with the command you need to run
with your discovered services.
To make your own integration just make your own Dockerfile
FROM gtrias/node-consul-template
Example with HAproxy installed:
FROM gtrias/node-consul-template
# add jessie-backports for Docker package
RUN echo "deb jessie-backports main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y unzip haproxy && apt-get install -y certbot -t jessie-backports
EXPOSE 80 443
If you want to define which VIRTUAL_HOST or SSL_VIRTUAL_HOST should have a specific port (Consul see each port as a different service). You can use (registrator specific notation)[].
For example define SERVICE_9091_TAGS
instead of SERVICE_TAGS
to configure the tags that the port 9091 should receive.
gliderlabs/registrator can register the internal Docker IP (i.e with its internal exposed ports or external one (only exposed ones) with the host IP (i.e more about internal registration For this purpose there're two HAproxy templates to handle those thow behaviors.
Check templates/haproxy.cnf.njk
and templates/haproxy-internal.cnf.njk
The haproxy-internal.cnf.njk
will check if the service is registered in the same machine where haproxy is running and getting the internal
IP address and port to reach that service. If the service is from other host it will get the host IP address with default 80 port to bypass the
balancing to the other host haproxy.