This is more of a comment than issue:
I have an ancient FLIR SC6000 camera which came with even more ancient software for camera control/data acquisition called ExaminIR v. 1.20, so called, Basic version (as opposed to Pro and Max).
The basic version records thermal movies as files with an extension .SEQ. Their header suggests it is an Agema File Format (AFF) for sequence of thermal images. The exiftool cannot read these files (reviewing its source code suggests only the files with header FFF can be read). Flir software tools cannot read the format either (tested with ResearchIR, and so forth).
I was wondering if you had insights into AFF beyond what exiftool does and does not provide. Do you have a copy of later version of Examin IR, or Pro or Max?
Currently, for me the only way to get the frames out without relying on a supply of graduate students or interns, is to do some desktop programming, and have that program move the cursor around to extract the images into csv files, but this takes 20seconds/frame.