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Hello this is Niva's REU 2020 Project Code This is an instruction manual on how to run the code The code goes through different Temporal Difference Learning methods

To get started:

Each algorithm is separated into different files

Download and Install Everything Necessary

  1. Must have Python 3 or above
  2. Must have Anaconda installed on your computer or laptop
  3. Install all the appropriate libraries
    1. either install them to your computer by on command line type or before the code is run in the Anaconda IDE

         pip3 install library name

      You need the following libraries:




      To install:

              pip3 install numpy
              pip3 install matplotlib
              pip3 install pymdptoolbox

Here are basic steps to run an algorithm and understanding as to what is in the file

  1. Choose the algorithm and then choose that file

    File Name Algorithm/Method
    TDonMDP.ipynb On-Policy TD(0)
    OffPolicyTD(0).ipynb Off-Policy TD(0) with importance sampling
    SynchronousTD.ipynb Synchronous On-Policy TD(0)
    OnPolicyn-stepTD.ipynb On-Policy n-step TD
    TDn-StepbySampling.ipynb Off-Policy n-step TD with Importance Sampling
    V-trace.ipynb V-trace algorithm
  2. Each file has a very basic way to run

    1. Create a policy based on your liking

      Must be a dictionary inside of a dictionary in the format

      {state: {action: probability of that action, action: probabiity, ... } state:{...}}


           policy = {0: {0: 0.4835164835164835, 1: 0.5164835164835165}, 1: {0: 0.48854961832061067, 1: 0.5114503816793893}, 2: {0: 0.881578947368421, 1: 0.11842105263157894}}
    2. Call the Class based on the name in the file

      input any hyper parameters you want to change

      the policy and MDP size is required to enter


             learner = TDLearner(policy = policy,states = states, actions = actions,iterations = iterations)
    3. Next Run the Environment

      this will run the algorithm and get the results

      runEnvironment() will be called in all files the same way


    4. To see the results or need to do some debugging of the algorithm call the plot function

      this is the same in all files



Other extra stuff

  1. Note that in all algorithm files the estimate Vπ has been estimated through value iteration and set as default, but if you found your own Vπ then you can change it by calling the setVi() function

    Vπ must have length of the state space S


         v_pi = [1,2,3,4]
         learner. setVpi(v_pi)
  2. the reward matrix has also been set by default to have random values between [0,1] to change this call the setRewardMatrix() function

    must be in shape AxSxS where A is the action space, S is the state space


               matrix = [[[1,[2,4]],[2,[2,3]]] 2x2x2
  3. These following hyperparameters are set to a default but you can change them depending on your liking like this

    Parameter Description
    states REQUIRED, amount of states in the MDP
    actions REQUIRED, amount of actions in MDP
    policy REQUIRED, the mapping of states to action to use for the agent
    alpha step size parameter, value between [0,1]
    gamma discount factor, value between [0,1]
    beta other step size parameter, value between [0.5,1]
    iterations amount of iterations to run in the environment
    episodes if n-step only, amount of episodes to run in the environment
    n-step only for n-step algorithms, n value for number of steps to look ahead
    diminish if diminishing step size wanted, input the function for calculating the step size
    c_bar only for v-trace, the truncated c value
    rho_bar only for v-trace, the truncated rho value


              learner = TDLearner(policy = policy,states = states, actions = actions,iterations = iterations, alpha = 0.0001)
  1. For Diminishing Step Size

    equation must be given in a function object format, with three parameters, alpha, t timestep, and beta

    in python there are two possibilities

    1. create the function

      def diminish(alpha, t, beta):
                 return alpha/beta**t
      learner = TDLearner(policy = policy,states = states, actions = actions,iterations = iterations, diminish = diminish)  

    2.use a lambda function

         diminish = lambda alpha,t,beta: alpha/beta**t
         learner = TDLearner(policy = policy,states = states, actions = actions,iterations = iterations, diminish = diminish) 

    if nothing is given then it is assumed that constant step size of alpha is used

That is everything needed to know about my code

It is very simple!


Niva's REU 2020 Project Code






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