部分失效资源可以从这里查询 网盘 账号密码都是stu
This project aims to provide high quality resources for students in School of Software, HIT
- Slides, Memos, Lecture notes, Other resouces(but please do not copy without confirmation :)
- Lecture Group: bilibili homepage:HITwh软18语你讲师团 https://space.bilibili.com/478354813?
Due to some issues of AliDrive, you can find the resources through Google Drive: 谷歌网盘
You can reach me in the following ways:
- email: shaobowang1009@alu.hit.edu.cn
- twitter: @Shaobowang6
🍎 There is NO FREE LUNCH in the world. Cherish all the opportunities. Make a better campus life :)