- 👋 Hi, I’m @grynn-in
Grynn GmbH was founded in 2017 by Deepak Pai in order to help F500 companies with their digital transformation journey. He has 2 decades of IT and Finance & has worked for companies such as Bank of America, Unilever and Ecolab. He is an MBA graduate of St. Gallen University (Switzerland) and alumnus of MIT Manipal. He is a certified digital strategist from MIT/Emeritus & consults for F500 companies. Grynn is an advocate of using Free and Open Source Software (FOSS).
👀 I’m interested in product development of ERPNext Applications that specialize in localization or customization as per our customer's needs
🌱 I’m currently building applications for Swiss QR Bill, Swiss E-Invoicing (Factur-x and ZugFerd), Swiss ISO 20022 CAMT/PAIN interface
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on Swiss ISO 20022
📫 How to reach me sales@grynn.io