Releases: grumpypixel/msfs2020-gopilot
Update #5
Unzip, run gopilot.exe and browse to http://localhost:8888 (or: http://whatever-your-ip-address-may-be:8888)
This is a maintenance update with some changes under the hood.
Update #4
Unzip, run gopilot.exe and browse to http://localhost:8888 (or: http://whatever-your-ip-address-may-be:8888)
Added two new URL parameters:
- Set the culture code for Bing Maps
- Set the default start map
Display Bing Maps with Simplified Chinese labels:
Display Bing Maps with Spanish labels:
Start with CartoDB's Positron as the default map:
Or start with Bing Maps Light as the default map:
Default map options are:
- BingMaps.Light
- BingMaps.Dark
- BingMaps.Gray
- BingMaps.Aerial
- CartoDB.DarkMatter
- CartoDB.Positron
- CartoDB.Voyager
- Esri.WorldGrayCanvas
- Esri.WorldImagery
- Esri.WorldStreetMap
- Esri.WorldTopoMap
- Mapbox
- OpenStreetMap
- OpenStreetMap.DE
- OpenStreetMap.FR
- OpenStreeMap.Gray
- OpenStreetMap.HOT
- OpenTopoMap
- Stamen.Terrain
- Stamen.Toner
- Stamen.TonerLight
Update #3
Unzip, run gopilot.exe and browse to http://localhost:8888 (or: http://whatever-your-ip-address-may-be:8888)
- Add airport finder (based on data from OurAirports)
- Remove packed data to decrease size of executable
- Minor improvements/adjustments
Update #2
Unzip, run gopilot.exe and browse to http://localhost:8888 (or: http://whatever-your-ip-address-may-be:8888)
- Add new maps and overlays
- Add leaflet scale control
- Add functionality to toggle fullscreen mode
- Minor improvements, adjustments and fixes
Update #1
Unzip, run gopilot.exe and browse to http://localhost:8888 (or: http://whatever-your-ip-address-may-be:8888)
- Update to simconnect-go v0.3.0
- Embed assets and DLL in executable
- Add option to set data request interval via command line arguments (default: 250ms)
Initial release
Unzip, run gopilot.exe and browse to http://localhost:8888 (or: http://your-ip-address:8888)