This is a little Rogue-like game, following the roguebasin python3 tutorial.
There's room for lots and lots of improvements. See TODO. Opensource licence obviously, feel free to fork and PR back.
You'll need a python3 virtual env. Easiest way:
mkdir -p ~/python python3 -m venv ~/python
Copy (or git clone) pyRogue/ into this directory, then:
source ~/python/bin/activate (python) gruiick@localhost:~/python/pyRogue$ python3
Install missing python modules:
(python) gruiick@localhost:~/python$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
When you're done, deactivate (exit) your virtual environment, simply with:
If you follow the tutorial yourself, there's some deprecated stuffs to replace:
console.tiles_rgb["bg"][x, y]
withconsole.rgb["bg"][x, y]
- constants:
(for example)
Actually playable. It shouldn't crash althought.
Playable and 'Fun'. Don't overthink: Flee, avoid, run away. Grab, use and try to survive as long as you can, on infinite levels...
It's a rogue game. You will die soon, or sooner. And you'll start all over again.
There's nothing to find, apart from wretched death...
- 'arrows' to move and attack (KeyPad and 'vi mode' also)
- 'g': grab item
- 'i': show inventory
- 'd': drop item from inventory
- 'v': show logs
- 'c': show player's statistics
- 'm': return to Main Menu TODO
- 'h': display Help Menu TODO
- '<': go downstairs (one way, there is no turning back!)
- 'ESC' to quit (or 'q' at main menu)
- '@': you
- '!': a potion
- '~": a scroll
- 'o': an Orc
- 'T': a Troll
- '/': some sort of weapon (a dagger, a sword, ...)
- '#': some sort of armoured clothing (leather, chain mail, ...)
- '[': a shield
- '<': stairs, they go deeper...
Current state will be saved (savegame.sav), if you quit.
Code snippets. They were used to test the code, from each tutorial's chapter.
- dejavu10x10_gs_tc.png <- font, as image
- dundalk12x12_gs_tc.png <- another font, also as image
- menu_background.png <- image for the menu (from )