Error: failed to import google/api/annotations.proto #165
I tried including the option syntax to my .proto
file then I got this error when I tried running my gRPC Node.js server. It seems it has tried to execute the import as if it were referring to a local file in the current dir.
I'm also confused about the usage of this library. In Go, the generated .pb.go
seem to be imported and used by the proxy server which written in Go. How does this work when stubs of other languages are generated?
I love the idea of this library, and I thank you for your help!
throw Error("failed to import '"+importFilename+"' in '"+filename+"': file not found");
Error: failed to import '/Users/prashanthcr/code/grpc_calculator/protos/google/api/annotations.proto' in '/Users/prashanthcr/code/grpc_calculator/protos/calculator.proto': file not found
at Error (native)
at ProtoBuf.Builder.BuilderPrototype.import (/Users/prashanthcr/code/grpc_calculator/node_modules/protobufjs/dist/ProtoBuf.js:4640:35)
at Object.ProtoBuf.loadJson (/Users/prashanthcr/code/grpc_calculator/node_modules/protobufjs/dist/ProtoBuf.js:5135:26)
at Object.ProtoBuf.loadProto (/Users/prashanthcr/code/grpc_calculator/node_modules/protobufjs/dist/ProtoBuf.js:5038:25)
at Object.ProtoBuf.loadProtoFile (/Users/prashanthcr/code/grpc_calculator/node_modules/protobufjs/dist/ProtoBuf.js:5084:
syntax = "proto3";
package calculator;
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
message Number {
double value = 1;
message NumberPair {
Number num1 = 1;
Number num2 = 2;
service Calculator {
rpc Add(NumberPair) returns (Number) {
option(google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/add"
body: "*"
rpc Sub(NumberPair) returns (Number) {
option(google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/sub"
body: "*"
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