Implematation of logs stream analyzing tool to define exact hour where most of the users experienced server errors. It uses asyncio simple client-server model to retrieve messages from different sources and process in single place. For calculating cardinality of unique users during hour HyperLogLog++ algorithm used.
- Python 3.8+
- Poetry dependencies manager
Install dependencies and configure settings (optional)
cd src
poetry install
cp .env.example .env
Check log generator scripts permissions. Allow executable permissions if needed:
ls -la log_record_generators/
chmod 777 log_record_generators/fake_log_generator_v*.sh
To start log server:
poetry shell
To start log producing client(s):
poetry shell
log_record_generators/ | python
To run tests:
poetry shell
python -m unittest discover -v
Server will output current hour value with maximum of unique users experienced server errors on each received message. Example:
Total messages: 9406 - Current hour with max value of server errors experienced for unique users is: 10
- enhance message processing and cardinality estimation performance (suggestion: add threads/other paralleling)
- enhance client-server stability
- increase code coverage
- rework output frequency (reduce spamming)