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Refactor Cfg_selectgen.select_operation to enable warning 4 (ocaml-fl…
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mshinwell authored Dec 10, 2024
1 parent f84e5b6 commit 45f1822
Showing 1 changed file with 92 additions and 65 deletions.
157 changes: 92 additions & 65 deletions backend/
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Expand Up @@ -161,16 +161,36 @@ class virtual selector_generic =
(* Default instruction selection for operators *)

method select_operation (op : Cmm.operation) (args : Cmm.expression list)
(_dbg : Debuginfo.t) ~label_after
(dbg : Debuginfo.t) ~label_after
: basic_or_terminator * Cmm.expression list =
match op, args with
| Capply _, Cconst_symbol (func, _dbg) :: rem ->
Terminator (Call { op = Direct func; label_after }), rem
| Capply _, _ -> Terminator (Call { op = Indirect; label_after }), args
| Cextcall { func; builtin = true }, _ ->
let wrong_num_args n =
"Selection.select_operation: expected %d argument(s) for@ %s" n
(Printcmm.operation dbg op)
let[@inline] single_arg () =
match args with [arg] -> arg | [] | _ :: _ -> wrong_num_args 1
let[@inline] two_args () =
match args with
| [arg1; arg2] -> arg1, arg2
| [] | _ :: _ -> wrong_num_args 2
let[@inline] three_args () =
match args with
| [arg1; arg2; arg3] -> arg1, arg2, arg3
| [] | _ :: _ -> wrong_num_args 3
match[@ocaml.warning "+fragile-match"] op with
| Capply _ -> (
match[@ocaml.warning "-fragile-match"] args with
| Cconst_symbol (func, _dbg) :: rem ->
Terminator (Call { op = Direct func; label_after }), rem
| _ -> Terminator (Call { op = Indirect; label_after }), args)
| Cextcall { func; builtin = true } ->
"Selection.select_operation: builtin not recognized %s" func ()
| Cextcall { func; alloc; ty; ty_args; returns; builtin = false }, _ ->
| Cextcall { func; alloc; ty; ty_args; returns; builtin = false } ->
let external_call =
{ Cfg.func_symbol = func;
Expand All @@ -183,91 +203,98 @@ class virtual selector_generic =
Terminator (Prim { op = External external_call; label_after }), args
else Terminator (Call_no_return external_call), args
| Cload { memory_chunk; mutability; is_atomic }, [arg] ->
| Cload { memory_chunk; mutability; is_atomic } ->
let arg = single_arg () in
let addressing_mode, eloc = self#select_addressing memory_chunk arg in
let mutability = select_mutable_flag mutability in
( basic_op
(Load { memory_chunk; addressing_mode; mutability; is_atomic }),
[eloc] )
| Cstore (chunk, init), [arg1; arg2] -> (
| Cstore (chunk, init) -> (
let arg1, arg2 = two_args () in
let addr, eloc = self#select_addressing chunk arg1 in
let is_assign =
match init with Initialization -> false | Assignment -> true
match chunk with
match[@ocaml.warning "-fragile-match"] chunk with
| Word_int | Word_val ->
let op, newarg2 = self#select_store is_assign addr arg2 in
basic_op op, [newarg2; eloc]
| _ -> basic_op (Store (chunk, addr, is_assign)), [arg2; eloc]
(* Inversion addr/datum in Istore *))
| Cdls_get, _ -> basic_op Dls_get, args
| Calloc mode, _ ->
basic_op (Alloc { bytes = 0; dbginfo = []; mode }), args
| Caddi, _ -> self#select_arith_comm Simple_operation.Iadd args
| Csubi, _ -> self#select_arith Simple_operation.Isub args
| Cmuli, _ -> self#select_arith_comm Simple_operation.Imul args
| Cmulhi { signed }, _ ->
| Cdls_get -> basic_op Dls_get, args
| Calloc mode -> basic_op (Alloc { bytes = 0; dbginfo = []; mode }), args
| Caddi -> self#select_arith_comm Simple_operation.Iadd args
| Csubi -> self#select_arith Simple_operation.Isub args
| Cmuli -> self#select_arith_comm Simple_operation.Imul args
| Cmulhi { signed } ->
self#select_arith_comm (Simple_operation.Imulh { signed }) args
| Cdivi, _ -> basic_op (Intop Idiv), args
| Cmodi, _ -> basic_op (Intop Imod), args
| Cand, _ -> self#select_arith_comm Simple_operation.Iand args
| Cor, _ -> self#select_arith_comm Simple_operation.Ior args
| Cxor, _ -> self#select_arith_comm Simple_operation.Ixor args
| Clsl, _ -> self#select_arith Simple_operation.Ilsl args
| Clsr, _ -> self#select_arith Simple_operation.Ilsr args
| Casr, _ -> self#select_arith Simple_operation.Iasr args
| Cclz { arg_is_non_zero }, _ ->
| Cdivi -> basic_op (Intop Idiv), args
| Cmodi -> basic_op (Intop Imod), args
| Cand -> self#select_arith_comm Simple_operation.Iand args
| Cor -> self#select_arith_comm Simple_operation.Ior args
| Cxor -> self#select_arith_comm Simple_operation.Ixor args
| Clsl -> self#select_arith Simple_operation.Ilsl args
| Clsr -> self#select_arith Simple_operation.Ilsr args
| Casr -> self#select_arith Simple_operation.Iasr args
| Cclz { arg_is_non_zero } ->
basic_op (Intop (Iclz { arg_is_non_zero })), args
| Cctz { arg_is_non_zero }, _ ->
| Cctz { arg_is_non_zero } ->
basic_op (Intop (Ictz { arg_is_non_zero })), args
| Cpopcnt, _ -> basic_op (Intop Ipopcnt), args
| Ccmpi comp, _ ->
| Cpopcnt -> basic_op (Intop Ipopcnt), args
| Ccmpi comp ->
self#select_arith_comp (Simple_operation.Isigned comp) args
| Caddv, _ -> self#select_arith_comm Simple_operation.Iadd args
| Cadda, _ -> self#select_arith_comm Simple_operation.Iadd args
| Ccmpa comp, _ ->
| Caddv -> self#select_arith_comm Simple_operation.Iadd args
| Cadda -> self#select_arith_comm Simple_operation.Iadd args
| Ccmpa comp ->
self#select_arith_comp (Simple_operation.Iunsigned comp) args
| Ccmpf (w, comp), _ -> basic_op (Floatop (w, Icompf comp)), args
| Ccsel _, [cond; ifso; ifnot] ->
| Ccmpf (w, comp) -> basic_op (Floatop (w, Icompf comp)), args
| Ccsel _ ->
let cond, ifso, ifnot = three_args () in
let cond, earg = self#select_condition cond in
basic_op (Csel cond), [earg; ifso; ifnot]
| Cnegf w, _ -> basic_op (Floatop (w, Inegf)), args
| Cabsf w, _ -> basic_op (Floatop (w, Iabsf)), args
| Caddf w, _ -> basic_op (Floatop (w, Iaddf)), args
| Csubf w, _ -> basic_op (Floatop (w, Isubf)), args
| Cmulf w, _ -> basic_op (Floatop (w, Imulf)), args
| Cdivf w, _ -> basic_op (Floatop (w, Idivf)), args
| Creinterpret_cast cast, _ -> basic_op (Reinterpret_cast cast), args
| Cstatic_cast cast, _ -> basic_op (Static_cast cast), args
| Catomic { op = Fetch_and_add; size }, [src; dst] ->
let dst_size =
match size with
| Word | Sixtyfour -> Word_int
| Thirtytwo -> Thirtytwo_signed
let addr, eloc = self#select_addressing dst_size dst in
basic_op (Intop_atomic { op = Fetch_and_add; size; addr }), [src; eloc]
| Catomic { op = Compare_and_swap; size }, [compare_with; set_to; dst] ->
let dst_size =
match size with
| Word | Sixtyfour -> Word_int
| Thirtytwo -> Thirtytwo_signed
let addr, eloc = self#select_addressing dst_size dst in
( basic_op (Intop_atomic { op = Compare_and_swap; size; addr }),
[compare_with; set_to; eloc] )
| Cprobe { name; handler_code_sym; enabled_at_init }, _ ->
| Cnegf w -> basic_op (Floatop (w, Inegf)), args
| Cabsf w -> basic_op (Floatop (w, Iabsf)), args
| Caddf w -> basic_op (Floatop (w, Iaddf)), args
| Csubf w -> basic_op (Floatop (w, Isubf)), args
| Cmulf w -> basic_op (Floatop (w, Imulf)), args
| Cdivf w -> basic_op (Floatop (w, Idivf)), args
| Creinterpret_cast cast -> basic_op (Reinterpret_cast cast), args
| Cstatic_cast cast -> basic_op (Static_cast cast), args
| Catomic { op; size } -> (
match op with
| Fetch_and_add ->
let src, dst = two_args () in
let dst_size =
match size with
| Word | Sixtyfour -> Word_int
| Thirtytwo -> Thirtytwo_signed
let addr, eloc = self#select_addressing dst_size dst in
basic_op (Intop_atomic { op = Fetch_and_add; size; addr }), [src; eloc]
| Compare_and_swap ->
let compare_with, set_to, dst = three_args () in
let dst_size =
match size with
| Word | Sixtyfour -> Word_int
| Thirtytwo -> Thirtytwo_signed
let addr, eloc = self#select_addressing dst_size dst in
( basic_op (Intop_atomic { op = Compare_and_swap; size; addr }),
[compare_with; set_to; eloc] ))
| Cprobe { name; handler_code_sym; enabled_at_init } ->
( Terminator
{ op = Probe { name; handler_code_sym; enabled_at_init };
args )
| Cprobe_is_enabled { name }, _ ->
basic_op (Probe_is_enabled { name }), []
| Cbeginregion, _ -> basic_op Begin_region, []
| Cendregion, _ -> basic_op End_region, args
| _ -> Misc.fatal_error "Selection.select_oper"
| Cprobe_is_enabled { name } -> basic_op (Probe_is_enabled { name }), []
| Cbeginregion -> basic_op Begin_region, []
| Cendregion -> basic_op End_region, args
| Cpackf32 | Copaque | Cpoll | Cbswap _ | Cprefetch _ | Craise _
| Ctuple_field (_, _) ->
Misc.fatal_error "Selection.select_oper"

method private select_arith_comm (op : Simple_operation.integer_operation)
(args : Cmm.expression list) : basic_or_terminator * Cmm.expression list
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